[Rhodes22-list] Bob Fletcher of Montana

Tootle ekroposki at charter.net
Wed Mar 22 05:21:45 EST 2006

     Welcome to the Rhodes 22 list.  Feel free to post all your questions to
the general email list.  It has been quite for a few days and new blood will
bring the sharks.
     First, you might take a look at this web site:  
While looking make sure you view Canada, just north of you in Calgary is a
Rhodie.  Or at least there was a few months ago.  He apparently took himself
off the frapper.  I do not know why.  
     Here is another suggestion.  Get out of the cold for a few days and fly
to Edenton, NC and see the tiny boats works that make this famous and
imfamous vessel.  See:  www.rhodes22.com
     I do know about your weather, but it is supposed to almost make 60 in
full sun today.  See:

Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA

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