[Rhodes22-list] (no subject)

Claude Cox cccox at mindspring.com
Mon May 8 22:29:49 EDT 2006

Hi Everyone;

I don't say much on the list, but I lurk, and  listen real good.  For those of you who don't know me: Celtic Lass is docked at Aqualand Marina, Lake Lanier, 45 minutes from Atlanta.  She is a recycled (2000) 1986, and has become like a project boat, as I am upgrading the electrical system in preparation for doing some serious trailer sailing.  It is around this project that my issues revolve.  I have looked in the archives for help, and, while getting some good info, I don't get all that I need.  Knowing of the vast expertise on this list, I have worked up the courage to put my issues before you, and seek your help with a project that sometimes feels overwhelming.

I have gutted the cabin, leaving only the galley counter top, compression post/panel, and the potty; this to see the wire "runs" to determine if I could do the necessary wiring/re-wiring.  I am: (1) moving the electrical panel to a spot above the galley and on the compression post/panel that separates the galley from the V-berth; (2) installing two Grp 27 Lifeline AGM batteries, paralleled; a battery monitor; a battery charger; a couple of 12VDC outlets; a 110 V outlet; a 30A shore-power inlet, and an anchor light.

I understand what's to be done.  I've read and re-read Don Casey (Sailboat Electrics Simplified), and Charlie Wing (Boatowner's Illustrated Handbook of Wiring).  Understanding is not the problem--execution is.  For example: I will have nav lights on one circuit, cabin lights on one circuit, and steaming light, anchor light, instruments, and VHF each on their own cirucit.  How do I do the wiring, especially lights in a series on the same circuit (I'm asking about actually doing the wiritng correctly)?  What am I missing here?  I feel like there are other questions I should ask, but don't know what they are.  Maybe some of you know.  If you do, I would greatly appreciate knowing what they are.

This has been a long post, I know, and I appreciate you taking time to read it.  As a retired school teacher, I can't say anything briefly.  All responses will be much appreciated, and I will certainly keep the list posted as to my progress.


Claude Cox
cccox at mindspring.com
EarthLink Revolves Around You.

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