[Rhodes22-list] Claude's wiring project

Todd Tavares sprocket80 at mail.com
Mon May 8 23:56:55 EDT 2006


Comparing your list of electrical wiring necessities and desires to your
questions of actually doing the wiring....and forgive me for saying
this....but it seems you may be in a bit over your head.  I am basing
this assumption on your questions about wiring lights in a series on the
same circuit.  I am afraid to think about how to explain to you, how to
do advanced wiring like tying AC shore power in to the boats electrical
system, paralleling batteries, adding in chargers, monitors, and 110v
outlets.  Maybe some of us here can help get you started with the basic
DC system first.  Then down the road you could tackle the shore power,
chargers, outlets, and monitors.

Let me ask you a few basic questions so we know where to start helping.

How is your boat set up now? 

How much do you know about (DC) electrical circuits?

How much do you know about (AC) circuits?

  Do you know how to read simple wiring schematics, and understand the
difference between series and parallel circuits?

Why do you want to relocate the main electrical panel?

Todd T.

(I know Michael is cringing right now)

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: "Claude Cox"
  To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
  Subject: [Rhodes22-list] (no subject)
  Date: Mon, 8 May 2006 21:29:49 -0400

  Hi Everyone;

  I don't say much on the list, but I lurk, and listen real good.
  For those of you who don't know me: Celtic Lass is docked at
  Aqualand Marina, Lake Lanier, 45 minutes from Atlanta. She is a
  recycled (2000) 1986, and has become like a project boat, as I am
  upgrading the electrical system in preparation for doing some
  serious trailer sailing. It is around this project that my issues
  revolve. I have looked in the archives for help, and, while
  getting some good info, I don't get all that I need. Knowing of
  the vast expertise on this list, I have worked up the courage to
  put my issues before you, and seek your help with a project that
  sometimes feels overwhelming.

  I have gutted the cabin, leaving only the galley counter top,
  compression post/panel, and the potty; this to see the wire "runs"
  to determine if I could do the necessary wiring/re-wiring. I am:
  (1) moving the electrical panel to a spot above the galley and on
  the compression post/panel that separates the galley from the
  V-berth; (2) installing two Grp 27 Lifeline AGM batteries,
  paralleled; a battery monitor; a battery charger; a couple of 12VDC
  outlets; a 110 V outlet; a 30A shore-power inlet, and an anchor

  I understand what's to be done. I've read and re-read Don Casey
  (Sailboat Electrics Simplified), and Charlie Wing (Boatowner's
  Illustrated Handbook of Wiring). Understanding is not the
  problem--execution is. For example: I will have nav lights on one
  circuit, cabin lights on one circuit, and steaming light, anchor
  light, instruments, and VHF each on their own cirucit. How do I do
  the wiring, especially lights in a series on the same circuit (I'm
  asking about actually doing the wiritng correctly)? What am I
  missing here? I feel like there are other questions I should ask,
  but don't know what they are. Maybe some of you know. If you do,
  I would greatly appreciate knowing what they are.

  This has been a long post, I know, and I appreciate you taking time
  to read it. As a retired school teacher, I can't say anything
  briefly. All responses will be much appreciated, and I will
  certainly keep the list posted as to my progress.


  Claude Cox
  cccox at mindspring.com
  EarthLink Revolves Around You.
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