[Rhodes22-list] WTF? - political rant

Robert Skinner robert at squirrelhaven.com
Fri May 12 12:20:34 EDT 2006

Imagine this:

Osama sitting in a mountain retreat watching 
the US government doing his work for him, 
destroying the freedoms won by thousands of 
American citizen warriors over the last 200+ 

In the '40s, hundreds of thousands of our best
and bravest died defending the free world.

In the '60s, tens of thousands died supporting
an oppressive regime.

In the last 5 years, we have eviscerated our 
constitution, unbalanced the mechanisms of
our government, launched a war on false 
presentations by our administration, and
allowed our last vestiges of privacy and due
process in searches and seizures to be taken.

As a nation, we have permitted this in the name
of security -- security that we do not have, as
tests of our systems have demonstrated.

In the mean time, Eisenhauer's prescient warning
about the military-industrial complex has been
fulfilled, as Haliburton makes a business of war.

We have become cowardly couch potatoes, willing
participants in fulfilling George Orwell's
nightmare as long as the cable supplies the kind
of circus that pacified Roman citizens as their
politico-social structure collapsed.

Suck it up, folks.  We are reaping the poisonous
crop that has resulted from our failure to tend
the garden of freedom.

Enough is enough!  

We need an election this fall that is so 
overwhelmingly in support of opponents to the 
current administration that no amount of 
jiggering with voting machines, no amount of 
fraud in counting ballots, no amount of packing 
the Supreme Court, no amount of lies and dirty 
tricks can overcome the tide of revulsion that 
most Americans now feel.

Mo more of the best government that money can buy.

/Robert Skinner said that.

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