[Rhodes22-list] alternative energy

john Belanger jhnblngr at yahoo.com
Wed May 17 00:53:25 EDT 2006

nucleer! i believe that the whole flap with iran is based on the availability to western sources of their uranium deposits. the rest is bs

brad haslett <flybrad at yahoo.com> wrote:  

Think coal! Or as another alternative energy,
nuclear. It doesn't matter if W can pronounce it,
we're headed that direction. And if not, more coal.
Biodiesel has a future. Ethanol is roughly break even
despite Roger's optimism. Did I mention COAL? There
is no free lunch in energy.


--- Saroj Gilbert wrote:

> Check out the attached video (don't know if server
> will let it through.. may 
> have to post on yousendit)...
> And this site for some VERY unusual alternative
> energy items... no idea if 
> they "really" work, but certainly
> thought-provoking... where's Roger when 
> you need him...)
> http://www.fuellesspower.com/14_Introduction.htm
> Saroj 
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