[Rhodes22-list] Re: Hats off to Elton
hnw555 at gmail.com
Tue May 23 12:28:40 EDT 2006
First off, I didn't right the explanation nor did I put the liberal tags on
it. I don't feel that I am a 100% party man and place all of the blame on
the Dems. Obviously, the entire gov't is at fault. To be honest, I really
feel that one of the greatest problems we have is with allowing lobbyist and
political contributions as we do. The way the current system is designed,
the squeakiest wheel (or biggest dollar) gets the grease.
All I was pointing out with that post was what i learned in that an across
the board Tax change (cut or increase) will affect the wealthiest the most.
Everybody screams when tax cuts give the wealthy a break, but nobody screams
when tax increases hit them the hardest (if they do).
I'll admit that I tend to side more with the republicans than the dems, but
it wouldn't bother me if we chucked them all out and started over, beginning
with the media that tends to report stories that inflame and incense without
giving both sides of the story. Iraq is a good example. By far the
majority of what is told in the media is about death and destruction,
although quite a bit of good is also happening, in regards to rebuilding
infrastructure, schools, hospitals, etc.
I certainly was not trying to start another us vs. them flame war with the
post on the tax cuts.
On 5/23/06, DCLewis1 at aol.com <DCLewis1 at aol.com> wrote:
> Hank,
> I understand your post was to Stan, but it was a public post so I'll
> respond.
> Read your post. If it takes that long, and the story has to be that
> convoluted, to explain what's wrong with the tax system, there's not much
> fundamentally wrong.
> If the rich would like to move overseas - that's great. The money these
> guys make is obscene. For the most part it's greed
> hijacking corporations for
> personal gain, the guy running Mobil is not a founder, he's a Mobil-wars
> survivor.
> You rail about the "liberal" tax system. Again, the "conservative
> Republicans" have held both houses of the Congress for more than 20 years,
> the White
> House for 18 years of the past 26 years (Reagan, Bush1, & Bush2). They
> have
> the bulk of appointments to the Supreme Court. So why haven't the
> "conservative Republicans" responded to this alleged "unfairness" and
> straightened this
> out? Is there some office or authority they lack? What is the problem?
> Their your guys Hank, why haven't they delivered?
> Finally, if you dont think this country isn't in deep fiscal doo-doo visit
> _www.whitehouse.gov_ (http://www.whitehouse.gov) and just track
> the national
> debt statistics - they're off the scale. If the government couldn't
> borrow
> more money - much more money - each year to operate, it would simply go
> out of
> business. Yeah, revenues are up, but expenses are WAY up and the budget
> is
> not remotely balanced and hasn't been remotely balanced by Reagan, Bush1,
> or
> Bush2..
> But balancing your budget, like paying your debts, is a liberal concept
> and
> not of interest to "true Republican conservatives". Right? Look at the
> record, believe the numbers.
> Dave
> Finally, if you think
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