[Rhodes22-list] Politics - WMD

Philip 3drecon at comcast.net
Sat Nov 4 16:33:40 EST 2006

Abdulla (means walks with God in Arabic) was right.  Kuwait was, in fact the
19th province.  The British set it up as a trigger against Iraqi hegemony in
the region.  They have water and oil.  The Saudis have oil. Other countries
have other limitations.  The Iraqis have to maintain good will to access the
Persian Gulf, hence the 19th province.  For a long time, before Kuwaiti
independence, the British had a garrison in Kuwait  If anyone attacked
Kuwait, it was an attack on the empire and a justification for retaliation.
There was a plebiscite in the early 1960s and the Kuwaitis voted to join
Iraq, but it was vetoed by the British.  Thus, the disagreement.


 -----Original Message-----
From: 	rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
[mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org]  On Behalf Of Slim
Sent:	Saturday, November 04, 2006 4:23 PM
To:	Rhodes22-list
Subject:	Re: [Rhodes22-list] Politics - WMD

> The Iraqis claimed the Kuwaitis were slant drilling Iraqi oil.  Do you
> know if that claim was justified?

Remember Mike Abdulla here on the list?  He used to begin his posts with,
"Hello Infidels."  8-)   His position was that Iraq, at least in some
regard, had justification for the '91 invasion of Kuwait because Kuwait was
originally part of Iraq in the first place and they were indeed slant
drilling into Iraq and that the U.S. had no business getting involved.
Mike's assertion alone doesn't mean the "claim was justified" but he seemed
like a very well-informed and intelligent (Muslim) guy and I wish he were
still here to provide more diversity to this discussion.


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