[Rhodes22-list] Political: Red vs. Blue States

Joseph Hadzima josef508 at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 7 12:06:04 EST 2006

RED & BLUE states?

I thought this was still about the Blue & Grey!  I have
seen the bumper snickers! "forget hell!", "The South Shall
Raise Again", "I'd rather be shooting Yankees", and the
ever popular "I'd rather my daughter working in a whore
house than my son playig for the Yankees" Oppps Sorry that
one is from Boston Baseball fan.

Many moons ago the US Militrary did training with the Blue
Army vs the Red Army, but that was NOT very PC at the time,
so it was changed to Blue Army vs Orange Army.  Everybody
looked a like to me (dressed like a tree).

It's a shame we can't all get along like the rest of the
colors in the crayola box.

Sorry work is a little nutty today ... I need to escape! 
so I came straight to this list!

I did have a lot of fun yesterday ... got calls from Ruddy,
Hillery, Bill, and even a few live humans telling me to get
out an vote today - I had a grand time telling them I was
voiting for the other party ... Got some of those poor
college kids sounding so depressed, others were just
pissed!  I hope they pass their mid-terms if their
acandidate doesn't win today.

--- "KUHN, LELAND" <LKUHN at cnmc.org> wrote:

> Please help.  Within the last few weeks someone posted an
> e-mail about
> the differences between red and blue states in the 2004
> presidential
> election.  I think the e-mail may have also included an
> analysis of why
> democracies are doomed for failure.  It was an excellent
> post but I just
> can't find it.  I've searched the archives every which
> way imaginable,
> but then I lack imagination.
> If someone could resend the post or let me know the date,
> title or
> author; it would be greatly appreciated.  
> Thanks!

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