[Rhodes22-list] Flight Plan

Bill Effros bill at effros.com
Sun Oct 22 19:26:25 EDT 2006


The only problem with sex is that some people think you're forced to 
retire at 40.

Bill Effros

Brad Haslett wrote:
> Bill,
> Sex and flying have a lot in common - both are done in a horizontal
> plane, and when it isn't, it gets more exciting.  Both cost a lot of
> money whether you rent, borrow, or buy.  If you do buy, you can count
> on a lot of non-consensual sex, meaning, well, you know what I mean.
> If you fly for a living for the big boys you're forced to retire at
> 60.  If you charge for sex you're faced with retirement much earlier
> by the marketplace, but, you can enjoy it for recreational purposes
> for much longer, just like flying.  Now if I could just find a job
> flying hookers in a seaplane to a island marina I'd have found the
> perfect job!
> Brad
> On 10/20/06, Bill Effros <bill at effros.com> wrote:
>> Sex.
>> Bill Effros
>> Brad Haslett wrote:
>> > The short version of a long story is I made it to Gulfport with
>> > N4451V,  a wonderful old airplane with a lot of life left in her.  The
>> > seller was a hoot!  The weather enroute reaffirmed the old saying, "if
>> > you have time to spare, go by air".  More details to follow after I
>> > get back to the day job.  Ask me about the overnight I spent in a
>> > Mormon town because I chickened out on flying through the mountains
>> > during low visibility. I could have gone to Asia and back during the
>> > same time frame but with half the fun!  Gawd it's good to be back in
>> > GA!  Sex, flying, sailing - you pick which one is best.
>> >
>> > Brad
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