[Rhodes22-list] Political:Off to Iraq

Herb Parsons hparsons at parsonsys.com
Thu Oct 26 13:36:50 EDT 2006

Dave, what a crock. Show me the post, ANYWHERE, where I called you anything. I never mentioned you being a leftist, or a communist. It's funny, one reader on here thought my post was in FAVOR of the left. It was neither, it was an observation of human nature.

I suspect that some people looked at the post and saw it for EXACTLY what it was. Others read it, and saw themselves.

>>> DCLewis1 at aol.com 10/26/2006 11:23:17 am >>>

No Hank, you got it wrong, you called me a communist.  Check your  posts.
I'm not whining about the appellation, rather I'm pointing out that your  
pejorative name calling, as opposed to thoughtful rebuttal, typifies your  
we/they approach to "logic". My assessment is that in your and Herb's world "we"  
are right,  "they" are leftist and communists.  For example, you  actually did 
call me a communist when I tried to convey the frustration some  Iraqis might 
feel after being steam rolled in an invasion by a much larger  country ( you 
will recall I used China as an example in my post).  For  example, when Ron 
posted regarding Iraq Herbs come-back was "another leftist  post" - I have no idea 
whether Ron is left or right, consider his points not  left/right.
As for your ass kicking inclinations were I to come into your neck of the  
woods, I have a meaningful insight for you: my lawyer is meaner than your  
lawyer (and I believe my lawyer's already a member of the Md  trail bar).  Keep 
that thought.  Any misguided high school/barracks  adventure in ass kicking will 
have a high likelihood of putting  you in jail on a felony conviction and 
introducing you to a life of poverty on a  civil conviction - trust me, I will not 
fool around.  
I look forward to meeting you some day, really. You've bought a  Rhodes22, so 
we're in this together - it takes all kinds, right?.  Maybe  we'll meet at 
the Chesapeake winter get together that's been proposed.   It'll be fun.  I look 
forward to lively and intelligent discussions  and some mutual respect.
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