[Rhodes22-list] Head Flushing

Bill Effros bill at effros.com
Mon Oct 30 08:53:43 EST 2006


Tap Water -- Even though my through-hole external water feed works 
properly, and it's a convenience to flush with all the water readily 
available just outside my boat, I carry tap water on board, and use that 
to flush the bowl.  My tap water is lightly chlorinated, so I'm not 
putting any living organisms into the system.  The death of these things 
inside your tanks creates a lot of the odor.  We have lots of stuff 
growing in our waters.  I'm in Greenwich Cove--Town moorings.

I learned to do this during my Porto Potty days, when I elected to use 
fresh water rather than plumb-in my through-hole line.

Currently I fill water bottles and leave them in the head to fill the 
bowl, then pump everything out into my holding tank.  I don't use the 
formaldehyde based thing-killers, but use "Odorlos" instead.  (This 
works best if you never use anything else in the tank--the other things 
can kill the active ingredients of Odorlos.)

Head odors don't happen on my boat.  (In part because we are talking 
mainly about No. 1.)

I am seriously considering plumbing my intake line into my fresh water 
holding tank.  I know this is a no-no, but no one drinks that water, and 
the convenience is seductive.  You might speak to Stan about this idea.  
One less below-waterline through-hole.

Stan has built fresh water head holding tanks into the boat, but all of 
the extra water changes the weight and balance of the boat.  Something 
to thing about and play with.

Bill Effros

3drecon at comcast.net wrote:
> Bill,
>     Although I don't have any experience with the Jabsco I get the same impression you express about it.  I also agree about carrying and cleaning the porta-potty.  When you say you flush the tank with tap-water, do you mean the holding tank?  Do you pump out at the marina?  By the way, at which marina are you located (my wife is from Darien and my brother works CT Parks Enforcement along the sound).
>     I liked the opening ports from the first time I saw them but Stan said he changed them due to problems.  Everyone on the list who has them so far has said they are not a problem.  Frankly, I would like to have them.  We ordered a new boat due in next year.  Meanwhile we have a loaner in fair condition with the opening ports.  I haven't opened them due to the leak fears and they haven't, so far, leaked.  The screens need replacing.  Now I am inclined to ask Stan for opening ports if he can do it.
> Thanks,
> Philip
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