[Rhodes22-list] Fwd: Hello from Iraqi Kurdistan!
Brad Haslett
flybrad at gmail.com
Sun Sep 17 20:45:06 EDT 2006
Your response is not worthy of an answer. Elect your chosen people and I'll
ask Slim to sing "Happy Days Are Here Again", or "Don't Worry, Be Happy".
You sir, are the epitome of BDS. The world is a messy place! Bush will be
gone one way or the other in two years. Think a bit creatively and come up
with another explanation for the world's problems. They (the world's
problems) didn't start six years ago and they won't end in the next six
years. You are starting to bore me!
Yes, that was a flame!
On 9/17/06, DCLewis1 at aol.com <DCLewis1 at aol.com> wrote:
> Brad,
> You start your post telling me the author has an agenda. You end
> your post
> telling me that everything is not a conspiracy. Which is it? If the
> WaPo
> author has an agenda, he's had to work with the editorial staff of
> WaPo to get
> the story corroborated and published - that's a conspiracy. Or do you
> mean
> that just some things are a conspiracy? For example, WaPo reporters with
> an
> agenda and the editorial staff of WaPo are a conspiracy, but the CPA and
> Republican soft-PACs would never engage in a conspiracy, for example by
> funding
> Kurdistan business men to tell us how appreciative they are of
> our efforts.
> Uh, yeah.
> The author of the story and WaPo may, or may not, have had an agenda, but
> there are a multitude of specific facts cited that are easily checked as a
> matter of record. Just to start: .
> - Maybe it's not true that 24 yr old Jay Hallen, recent grad from Yale,
> was
> not put in charge of reopening the Iraq stock exchange. Do a Google on
> Jay
> Hallen, read it and weep.
> - Perhaps James K Haveman Jr, a social worker/health administrator who
> had
> connections with the Republican governor of Michigan, really did not
> replace
> Dr Frederick, M Burkle Jr, a physician with a masters deg in public
> health and
> postgraduate degrees from Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth and the Univ of
> Ca(Berkeley) to re-establish the country's medical system. The author
> may have simply
> made it up. Seems to me it's a matter of record. And while we're
> looking
> at the record, do a Google and check the bios of Burkle and Haveman. I
> think
> the WaPo author got it right - Burkle's got the international emergency
> relief medical experience, Haveman has worked for the Governor of
> Michigan, but
> draw your own conclusions.
> Unfortunately, key specific facts cited in the WaPo article can be
> corroborated from a variety of sources, and while the author may, or may
> not, have an
> agenda, the facts speak for themselves. He may, or may not be an elitist
> a**hole, as you pejoratively describe him, but his facts appear
> right (use
> Google and select your sources), and the facts support the narrative's
> theme -
> Iraq has been a swamp for Republican political patronage, the appointees
> have
> been marginally qualified, and that's contributed to the existent mess in
> a
> material way.
> As to Hanks link, the magical appearance of Iraqi businessmen praising the
> Iraqi war effort in this election season strains my credulity. I think
> it
> should strain anyone's. Why are Iraqi businessmen are so appreciative of
> our
> efforts this election season? Well, we've killed their sons, blown limbs
> off
> their daughters, pulled the police off due to political incorrectness so
> that
> the businessmen could be assaulted, their wives could be raped, and their
> property stolen, we've blown up much of their property; what more
> could Iraqi
> businessmen want? I mean, if it were you, you'd be very appreciative,
> right? I
> don't think so.
> Finally regarding your statement that Iraq is not rendered hopeless. It
> is
> certainly hopeless if the rebuilding effort is staffed by incompetent US
> leadership chosen principally for their proper political affiliation, and
> that's
> what the WaPo article was about. But the Bush Administration would never
> do
> anything that stupid right? Ask Michael Brown of FEMA fame.
> I swear, I have never seen a dumber group of people than the Bush
> Administration. You would think that once they realized the
> egregious mistake they
> made by invading Iraq looking for WMD they would put their very best
> efforts
> into wrapping up and rebuilding. Instead we have a marginally funded and
> staffed effort managed by a bunch of politically correct hacks. I mean,
> this is
> world class dumb! And it's not enough to say "mistakes were made", it's
> long
> past time they cut this crap out, it should never have happened at all.
> Dave
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