[Rhodes22-list] Fwd: Hello from Iraqi Kurdistan!

Brad Haslett flybrad at gmail.com
Sun Sep 17 22:47:16 EDT 2006


Your credentials as a critic are well established.  What are your ideas?

Yea, Yea, Yea, it's all Bush's fault.  A lot of it is, but that doesn't
solve the problem.  Got Ideas?

For God's sake and everyone else's, find a record that isn't broken. Or a
CD, MP3, something, anything!

Just stay out of the fight and live happily ever after?  Very original

Good night Dave, I have a job to do in the morning just as you probably do.
Who in the Cold War had the solution from the get-go?  That was fifty years
plus - this will be longer.  I'll vote for a Democrat, Republican,
Libertarian, or Martian if they know the immediate answer other than getting
or keeping  power.  Know any good Martians?


On 9/17/06, DCLewis1 at aol.com <DCLewis1 at aol.com> wrote:
> John,
> I think you have a good point about too many voices and opinions, and I
> think a lot of people would be happy to unite behind one
> voice.  Initially  most
> people were united behind the current Administration.  The problem
> is  that the
> one voice also has to assume responsibility and accountability for the
> results, and NO voice (certainly not any voice in the
> current  Administration) has
> done that.  No one has assumed responsibility  and been accountable for:
> - WMD intelligence failure (yeah, Tennant voluntarily resigned, but it
> really wasn't the Intelligence Community's fault, right?)
> - Iraqi invasion intelligence failure (they were supposed to meet us  with
> open arms right?)
> - Lack of support from allies (ever hear anything from the State  Dept?)
> - Insufficient troops on the ground pre/during/post  invasion.(wasn't DoDs
> fault, right?)
> - "Canceling" the police and army that was supposed to support us. (wasn't
> the CPAs fault)
> - Predicting/handling the Shiite/Sunni rivalry (who could have known, its
> only existed for 1,200 years)
> - The Fedyhan ( who would have guessed, certainly not the DoD or  Intell)
> - Lack of occupation planning execution ( hey, DoD generals lead
> the  charge,
> it's not their problem, right?)
> and that's the problem.  Just fixing on one voice is not enough
> unless  that
> voice is willing to be accountable and responsible  Conversely,  if
> accountability and responsibility aren't required, fixing on one voice
> is  pointless,
> you may as well have 1,000 voices.
> Dave
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