[Rhodes22-list] Hello from Iraqi Kurdistan! Reply to Dave, John B

Ben Schultz benonvelvetelvis at theskinnyonbenny.com
Mon Sep 18 08:55:39 EDT 2006

I saw a news article in one of the papers a few weeks back. There is a 
legitimate "Chamber of Commerce" (not sure if that's what they called 
it) for Kurdish Iraq that is trying to drum up tourism in the region. A 
bit soon for me to be booking my next trip out there, but I admire their 


Tootle wrote:
> Dave said, "More interesting: who paid for their trip?  Consider that the
> cash from oil coming from the northern Iraq oil fields is not going to build
> high dollar palaces for Sadaam and to his cashes, could it just be that they
> are able to pay to send good will salesman abroad???  I suggest that is a
> reasonable possibility.
> And quoting the Washington Post as accurate and unbiased is a pile of shit. 
> I believe earlier this summer that the Washington Post was saying that Rove
> and the White House leaked the name and identity of the CIA agent, which has
> now been owned up to by another.  Or does that not mean anything in your
> accessment of the truth and accuracy of their reporting.  
> Saying, "the "politically correct" crowd sent to rebuild the  country" is
> automatically not doing a decent job is just your anti Bush attitude. 
> Should the Bush administration send those who openly oppose his leadership
> to rebuild.  They would come back with all sorts of concocted stories.  Be
> for real.  
> John,
>        You are amazing putting Fox news on the same level as the White House
> and Congress.   Just is not so.
> Ed K
> Greenville, SC, USA
> Hank, 
> Interesting.  More interesting: who paid for their trip?  Who  paid for the 
> television ads?  Who's behind this?  Inquiring minds want  to know - or is
> the 
> answer obvious?
> I hope you had the opportunity to read the front page of The Washington 
> Post 
> this morning.  The story in the center of the page is titled "Ties to  GOP 
> Trumped Know-How Among Staff Sent To Rebuild Iraq" - you may have noted  it.  
> You may have noted the quote on the top of page A24 "I'm Not Here For  The 
> Iraqis.  I'm Here For George Bush".  You may have noted the  office, and
> named 
> official, in the Pentagon that was tasked to vett the  appropriate neo-con 
> credentials for anyone sent to Iraq to rebuild the country -  think
> political 
> patronage and you understand staffing for the Iraq rebuilding  program.  You
> may have 
> noted the 2+ full newspaper pages detailing some of  the sorry performance
> of 
> the "politically correct" crowd sent to rebuild the  country.  One principal 
> activity of the politically correct crowd seemed to  be telling people
> "things 
> are great in Iraq" - think of your Kurdistan  visitors.
> And now I think you probably know who paid for the Kurdistan visitors trip  
> and the television ads.  And I think you know why it's appearing this 
> election 
> season.  
> Dave
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