[Rhodes22-list] Fwd: Hello from IraqiKurdistan!(political)

3drecon at comcast.net 3drecon at comcast.net
Wed Sep 20 13:41:02 EDT 2006

If they attack you first, which they did, then it is not genocide.
Their goal is to replace all the world's civilization with califites and put the world under Shiria law, Talaban style.


-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Robert Skinner <robert at squirrelhaven.com> 

> Brad Haslett wrote: 
> > Philip, 
> > You are getting very close to the real issue... 
> > Let's say out of a billion Muslims (to keep the math simple) 990 million are 
> > more interested in getting a decent meal, housing, and education for their 
> > kids... 
> ------------------------------------------------------- 
> Unfortunately, that leaves 10 million whackos. 
> Blowing them to perdition is the only education 
> that would be effective. 
> But 10M deaths could also be regarded as genocide. 
> Hmmm... Is it genocide to wipe out 0.1% of all the 
> cockroaches in the world? 
> As an enlightened former Marine, I have no trouble 
> with this, but there aren't a lot of us around, 
> and somehow, I don't expect the UN to take action. 
> The proper response may be to inflict 100 times as 
> many casualties as we have suffered in any specific 
> incident on the most obvious supporters of 
> terrorist activity, immediately, wherever we find 
> them. We'd have a hit list handy. 90% collateral 
> damage would be acceptable. 
> Now, who wants to be anywhere near a terrorist 
> cell? Would terrorist leaders want to sacrifice 
> themselves to promote their program? Seems that 
> they send boys and girls to do their dirty work. 
> Just an idea... 
> /Robert Skinner 
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