[Rhodes22-list] You might be a True American if....
salm at mn.rr.com
Wed Sep 27 18:05:04 EDT 2006
You began by saying "how those in the middle politically are being
>>>> bullied by the ends of the spectrum."
I couldn't agree more. I used the wrong word when I said I was "offended."
Maybe "incensed" is clearer. When I feel I'm being bullied I don't usually
just roll over.
But I especially LIKED this one:
>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You know what
>> you
>>>> believe and you aren't afraid to say so, no
>> matter
>>>> who is listening.
Damn right! I can question "...under God..." all I want. I can protest the
10 commandments in court houses. I can call it a "Winter Festival" if I
want and I often do not put my hand over my heart on the National Anthem
because both hands are busy performing the piece. Believe me, I know every
note. That's precisely why I love my country and for anyone to suggest I'm
not a true American for not adhering to their agenda is nonsense.
Who wrote that anyway--Marshall Tucker?
On 9/27/06 4:24 PM, "L. Sailor" <watermusic38 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> well...THAT was vehement.....
> The point in sending that list was not that any one
> item was right or wrong, but that we seem to have lost
> great respect for each other..no matter what our
> station in life or nationality. Each of those
> items..and there could have been others...tipifies
> some manner of disrespect which has become prevalent
> since the 70's or so....
> Roy Hazlewood, FBI Special Agent who has spent 16
> years researching serial killers, et al, including
> Hannibal Lector, said in a speech he gave locally not
> long ago that, "We seem to have lost two very
> important brakes or inhibitors on our behavior...a
> sense of responsibility and a sense of shame."
> When we are INTENTIONALLY disrespectful, we exhibit no
> sense of responsibility toward that person; when we
> are DELIBERATELY offensive, we have no shame.
> Americans cannot discuss, converse, without someone
> somewhere complaining that they are offended.
> enuf.
> elle
> --- Slim <salm at mn.rr.com> wrote:
>> Yeah, OK, I'd like to add a few too:
>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if you continue to
>> support the administration
>> no matter how many lies are crammed down our
>> throats.
>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if you go to church
>> every Sunday and pray for
>> the destruction of others in the name of God.
>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if you think all
>> languages except English
>> should be banned within our borders.
>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if you're a white
>> Anglo.
>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if you think only TRUE
>> AMERICANS adhere to this
>> list!!
>> On 9/27/06 8:00 AM, "Hank" <hnw555 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Great email, Elle. I'd only suugest one edit.
>> Add "Remove your hat" to the
>>> part about the National Anthem. That's always
>> been a pet peeve of mine to
>>> see folks at a ball game not take off their hat.
>>> On 9/27/06, L. Sailor <watermusic38 at yahoo.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> Came across my email this AM. Makes one think
>> about
>>>> how those in the middle politically are being
>>>> bullied by the ends of the spectrum.
>>>> elle
>>>> It is time to change from REDNECK humor to TRUE
>>>> AMERICAN Humor! Only I don't see it as Humor,
>> but the
>>>> correct way to LIVE YOUR LIFE ! If you feel the
>> same,
>>>> pass this on to your True American friends.
>> Ya'll
>>>> know who ya' are...
>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: It never
>> occurred to
>>>> you to be offended by the phrase, "One nation,
>> under
>>>> God."
>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You've never
>>>> protested about seeing the 10 Commandments
>> posted in
>>>> public places.
>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You still say
>>>> "Christmas" instead of "Winter Festival."
>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You bow your
>> head
>>>> when someone
>>>> prays.
>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You stand and
>> place
>>>> your hand over your heart when they play the
>> National
>>>> Anthem.
>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You treat Viet
>> Nam
>>>> vets with great respect, and alw ays have.
>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You've never
>> burned
>>>> an American flag.
>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You know what
>> you
>>>> believe and you aren't afraid to say so, no
>> matter
>>>> who is listening.
>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You respect your
>>>> elders and expect your kids to do the same.
>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You'd give your
>> last
>>>> dollar to a friend.
>>>> If you got this email from me, it is because I
>> believe
>>>> that you, like me, have just enough TRUE AMERICAN
>> in
>>>> you to have the same beliefs as those talked
>> about in
>>>> this email. This is Excellent, No Matter what
>> you
>>>> deem fit to call it. It is our Country, It is our
>> way
>>>> of LIFE, and I love it.
>>>> God Bless the U S A ! Git 'er done!!!!!!!!!!!!
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