[Rhodes22-list] You might be a True American if....

Slim salm at mn.rr.com
Wed Sep 27 20:39:56 EDT 2006

Well, Brad,

Come gather 'round people wherever you roam
And admit that the waters around you have grown
And accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin' or you'll sink like a stone,
For the times, they are a chang - in'

(I'm goin' easy on ya.  Don't make me quote Dylan's "With God On Our Side")


On 9/27/06 5:38 PM, "Brad Haslett" <flybrad at gmail.com> wrote:

> Slim,
> You dissin' us Marshall Tucker fans?  Cause if you are, us 'Brother Tuckers'
> will set fire to your mountain.  You can take the highway, for a new life,
> 24 hours at a time, because you're too stubborn to start a new life.  Take
> the highway, for a long hard ride, running like the wind after your foolish
> dream.  Ride in peace, Silverado, anyway the wind blows rider, going down
> the road feeling bad.  As for me, i'll stay in the country where a country
> boy belongs, in my own way, where everbody needs somebody.  Foolish
> dreaming?
> Can't you see? Now I'm singing a good ole hurtin' song.
> Brad
> On 9/27/06, Slim <salm at mn.rr.com> wrote:
>> Elle,
>> You began by saying "how those  in the middle politically  are being
>>>>>> bullied by the ends of the spectrum."
>> I couldn't agree more.  I used the wrong word when I said I was
>> "offended."
>> Maybe "incensed" is clearer.  When I feel I'm being bullied I don't
>> usually
>> just roll over.
>> But I especially LIKED this one:
>>>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You know what
>>>> you
>>>>>> believe and  you aren't afraid to say so, no
>>>> matter
>>>>>> who is listening.
>> Damn right!  I can question "...under God..." all I want.  I can protest
>> the
>> 10 commandments in court houses.  I can call it a "Winter Festival" if I
>> want and I often do not put my hand over my heart on the National Anthem
>> because both hands are busy performing the piece. Believe me, I know every
>> note.  That's precisely why I love my country and for anyone to suggest
>> I'm
>> not a true American for not adhering to their agenda is nonsense.
>> Who wrote that anyway--Marshall Tucker?
>> Slim
>> On 9/27/06 4:24 PM, "L. Sailor" <watermusic38 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> well...THAT was vehement.....
>>> The point in sending that list was not that any one
>>> item was right or wrong, but that we seem to have lost
>>> great respect for each other..no matter what our
>>> station in life or nationality. Each of those
>>> items..and there could have been others...tipifies
>>> some manner of disrespect which has become prevalent
>>> since the 70's or so....
>>> Roy Hazlewood, FBI Special Agent who has spent 16
>>> years researching serial killers, et al, including
>>> Hannibal Lector, said in a speech he gave locally not
>>> long ago that, "We seem to have lost two very
>>> important brakes or inhibitors on our behavior...a
>>> sense of responsibility and a sense of shame."
>>> When we are INTENTIONALLY disrespectful, we exhibit no
>>> sense of responsibility toward that person; when we
>>> are DELIBERATELY offensive, we have no shame.
>>> Americans cannot discuss, converse, without someone
>>> somewhere complaining that they are offended.
>>> enuf.
>>> elle
>>> --- Slim <salm at mn.rr.com> wrote:
>>>> Yeah, OK, I'd like to add a few too:
>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if you continue to
>>>> support the administration
>>>> no matter how many lies are crammed down our
>>>> throats.
>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if you go to church
>>>> every Sunday and pray for
>>>> the destruction of others in the name of God.
>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if you think all
>>>> languages except English
>>>> should be banned within our borders.
>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if you're a white
>>>> Anglo.
>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if you think only TRUE
>>>> AMERICANS adhere to this
>>>> list!!
>>>> On 9/27/06 8:00 AM, "Hank" <hnw555 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Great email, Elle.  I'd only suugest one edit.
>>>> Add "Remove your hat" to the
>>>>> part about the National Anthem.  That's always
>>>> been a pet peeve of mine to
>>>>> see folks at a ball game not take off their hat.
>>>>> On 9/27/06, L. Sailor <watermusic38 at yahoo.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Came across my email this AM. Makes one think
>>>> about
>>>>>> how those  in the middle politically  are being
>>>>>> bullied by the ends of the spectrum.
>>>>>> elle
>>>>>> It is time to change from REDNECK humor to  TRUE
>>>>>> AMERICAN  Humor! Only I don't see it as Humor,
>>>> but the
>>>>>> correct way to LIVE  YOUR LIFE ! If you feel the
>>>> same,
>>>>>> pass this on to your True  American friends.
>>>> Ya'll
>>>>>> know who ya' are...
>>>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: It never
>>>> occurred to
>>>>>> you to be offended by the phrase, "One nation,
>>>> under
>>>>>> God."
>>>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You've never
>>>>>> protested about  seeing the 10 Commandments
>>>> posted in
>>>>>> public  places.
>>>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You still say
>>>>>> "Christmas"  instead of "Winter Festival."
>>>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You bow your
>>>> head
>>>>>> when someone
>>>>>> prays.
>>>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You stand and
>>>> place
>>>>>> your hand  over your heart when they play the
>>>> National
>>>>>> Anthem.
>>>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You treat Viet
>>>> Nam
>>>>>> vets with  great respect, and alw ays have.
>>>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You've never
>>>> burned
>>>>>> an American  flag.
>>>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You know what
>>>> you
>>>>>> believe and  you aren't afraid to say so, no
>>>> matter
>>>>>> who is listening.
>>>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You respect your
>>>>>> elders and  expect your kids to do the same.
>>>>>> You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You'd give your
>>>> last
>>>>>> dollar to a  friend.
>>>>>> If you got this email from me, it is because I
>>>> believe
>>>>>> that you, like me, have just enough TRUE AMERICAN
>>>> in
>>>>>> you to have the same  beliefs as those talked
>>>> about in
>>>>>> this email. This is Excellent, No  Matter what
>>>> you
>>>>>> deem fit to call it. It is our Country, It is our
>>>> way
>>>>>> of LIFE, and I love it.
>>>>>> God Bless the U S A ! Git 'er done!!!!!!!!!!!!
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