[Rhodes22-list] Don Imus

TN Rhodey tnrhodey at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 15 09:21:12 EDT 2007

Dave - Bullshit.....please stick to what i say and not what you think I 

If black people can sign up to  the violent,
>demeaning, vulgar language that are in rap then they shouldn't have  an 
>with Imus calling their daughters whores?

This is not that hard to understand. I am saying they should be upset at 
both! Got it! Good Grief some people see and here what they want.

>Certainly rap is a dominate cultural standard in the black community, but  
>you’ve interfaced with hispanics, white, and asian youth ( and I do
>regularly, ....

Wake up man! Rap crossed cultures over 20 years ago. So what? This has 
nothing to do my comments about Imus or Sharpton.

>Bottom line: there’s not a lot of difference between the adult black
>community and the adult white community when it comes to rap.

Yup...this is part of the problem. I would think the African American 
community would be leading the way in this effort. It is a shame they are 
not. This is part of the point i was trying to make.

Ask my  white Irish Catholic
>neighbor who sent his kid to a Jesuit high school  for 4 years, then to a
>private college; after graduation his kid formed  a rap group and is trying 
>make a buck (he hasn't quit his day job, I  hope he doesn't).

White rappers have been around since the Beastie Boys in the early 80s...who 
knows he may make it big like "Vanilla Ice"....mayber he can call him self 
"Irish Cream". :-)

I have a
>pretty good sense that my father would try to kill whoever called  his wife 
>daughter a whore.

My father had the good sense to teach me better than that. This does fit in 
well with the gang banger mentality in the hood though. Remember sticks and 

It's not  about race, it's about decency.  In my book
>there are some things you just  don't do - even for entertainment, no make 
>especially just for  entertainment.  And when I say you, I mean every man
>amongst us - to  include any jackass to has decided to designate himself as 
>shock-jock as a way  to make a buck - there are no special passes, 
>especially for

I must admit I am not really sure of your point. It seems you are against 
hateful rap lyrics and Imus's remarks. So am I. I am also of the opinion 
that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have a double standard when choosing 
their causes. I guess you disagree. The facts are there if one chooses to 
see them. I knew when I posted that someone would turn my remarks around to 
suit them.


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