[Rhodes22-list] Diane Russell - one more comment

Tootle ekroposki at charter.net
Fri Aug 10 10:23:55 EDT 2007


     You said your images are too big?  Are you sending bmp images?  jpg
images are about 1/3 size of bmp or less.  If you have microsoft paint, open
images in paint and save as jpg or jif.  

     In the past I have sent several images in jpg attached to one email
without problem.  Bmp images are often rejected because of size (volume of

      If you sent pictures to Mary Lou, then they should be sendable using
Nabble.  It is hard to believe the small help you received in your efforts
because we have some very computer savy members of this list.

Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA
(email sent using 100% recycled electrons)

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