[Rhodes22-list] Diane Russell trying to send a picture

Tootle ekroposki at charter.net
Sun Aug 12 07:00:38 EDT 2007


I guess you saw the results.  Just do not be a quitter, and try some other

I use the Nabble thing to avoid the software conflict issues.  Once you use
it once or twice you would get the hang of it.  No need to be stubborn about
trying, you will not get pregnant.

I made another suggestion that you might try.  Microsoft Paint can open many
image programs.  If you have MS Paint, open the picture and then save it
with a new name and save it by specifying  jpg as suffix or file type.  

I would be interested in getting you to post pictures of Lake Erie,
especially when it freezes over.  It has been quite warm in these parts
lately, maybe Ides of August?  It got to 105 the other day, the hottest
temperature ever recorded in these parts.  Unlike some time I spent in
Kansas one July when 105 was the coolest day.

Again, try some different ways.

Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA

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