[Rhodes22-list] reply to Michael Meltzer
TN Rhodey
tnrhodey at gmail.com
Mon Aug 27 11:37:52 EDT 2007
Wasn't it nice of Ed to solve the problem! Too much.......you don't owe
anyone any explanation or apology. I enjoyed you response....your point was
well made!
On 8/27/07, elle <watermusic38 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Nay, Nay,, oh tootling one.
> Yes, I took offense at the broad brush strokes which
> were painting an entire class. Substiture 'Black'
> "Hispanic' or whatever is the politically 'in' group
> at the moment and you may perceive it differently.
> Teachers are taking the brunt for society's ills.
> Considering we see the student for anywhere from 45 to
> 90 minutes per day, we are expected to teach manners,
> mores (of some type...) behavior that is acceptable,
> ('way too many more things to mention) along with a
> curriculum created by politicians who are only
> concerned with their butts and not how children of
> varying capacities, backgrounds, and environments,
> live and learn.
> THEN we are expected to have each SUCCESSIVE group
> test to a HIGHER standard than the last year's group.
> Oh, THAT makes sense.
> I know of what I speak....I spent 35 years in the
> classroom, and now work intimately with the SOL's of
> VA and the Fed's AYP crap.
> How many of you who own businesses are responsible for
> the quality of what comes out of your pipeline yet
> have NO CONTROL over the quality of the raw materials
> you are expected to work with? Could you guarantee a
> product when your materials differ daily?
> Yes...there are lousy teachers...but far fewer than
> the many good ones....
> AND...yes...I took offense at the 'TS' business...if
> Tootling one will reread the exchange carefully he
> will see that the claws did not come out of the sheath
> until I was insulted. And I was insulted (as the other
> members of the liost should have been) by the basic
> lack of respect in the inherent "TS that's my opinion
> & shove it" attitude expressed by the respondent.
> Rhodies are a community...we all share a delight in
> out fondness and respect for Stan & Rose, our delight
> in finding and enjoying our boats & a group of folks
> who know of our delight without our having to so so in
> so many words......we all have a right to our
> opinions....but we SHOULD care how our fellow list
> members perceive our positions of these interesting
> topics that come up...and we should choose our words
> to express ourselves so that our positions are clear
> but we respect those of others.
> So if someone presents himself as a jerk & is
> insulting I will treat him as such.
> Sorry.....I was raised mafiosa & it sorta stuck....
> So, "Tootle," you spilled the soup on this one.
> ;^)
> elle
> --- Tootle <ekroposki at charter.net> wrote:
> >
> > Michael,
> >
> > This exchange is all
> > Elle's fault. Jay made a
> > clearly personal opinion which he stated as such.
> > Elle got carried away in
> > her opinions directed at him for expressing his
> > experiences.
> We can't change the angle of the wind....but we can adjust our sails.
> 1992 Rhodes 22 Recyc '06 "WaterMusic" (Lady in Red)
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