[Rhodes22-list] Labor Day Weekend

Brad Haslett flybrad at gmail.com
Fri Aug 31 23:26:13 EDT 2007

Enjoy the weekend, Boys and Girls!  Remember what the holiday is about.
LABOR!  Good workers are hard to find these days. A lot of folks ask me how
I can be an avowed capitalist and a Union member (capital U) at the same
time.  Easy, I learned it from my father.  Taking care of your family by the
sweat of your brow is a long, long, tradition.  All work is dignified.
Louis Haslett taught me several good lessons but one that really stuck is
"treat people well on your way up and if you are lucky, they'll treat you
well on your way down'.  Labor Day is one of my favorite holidays.  We're
taking Cora to Little Rock to a water park and spending the weekend with
Sandy, my first wife.  You'd have to know her to understand.  For all of you
who work, my congratulations!  Take the weekend off if you can!


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