[Rhodes22-list] BS Bingo (for teachers)
Bill Effros
bill at effros.com
Tue Feb 6 13:49:00 EST 2007
I sent it to my cousin. He sent it to his friends. They are already
playing BS Bingo in the NYC school system. Someone has already stood up
in a meeting to declare a winning card.
elle wrote:
> Brad,
> None of those would have gone over very well in the Northern VA system I was in...the old 'paperback-in-the -notebook' was my mainstay...it was easy to listen w/one ear & read w/ two eyes & a brain (the in-services didn't require the brain!)
> the others would have gained a verbal slap-down & a letter in the file....
> PTL I'm outta there!
> elle
> Brad Haslett <flybrad at gmail.com> wrote:
> Elle,
> Been a bit busy and skipped over this thread the first time. Here is
> another approach - just walk out. Works for me. Just make sure you get on
> the sign in sheet so you get paid. Your boss will find you a few days later
> and ask, "why did you leave the meeting?"
> First answer: I was full of shit and had physiological issues to deal with.
> Second answer: You were full of shit and I couldn't take it any more.
> Third answer: There was so much bullshit floating around the room I
> couldn't breathe.
> I've done that my whole career as an educator and it hasn't failed me yet!
> It also keeps you from being assigned "special projects".
> Brad
> On 2/3/07, elle wrote:
>> Thought the list would get a laugh out of this. (Pardon the language..;^)
>> Substitute your work-specific phrases & have your own bingo at your next
>> meeting!
>> elle
>>> Do you keep falling asleep in teacher meetings and
>>> in-services?
>>> Here's a way to change all of that.
>>> 1. Before (or during) your next meeting, in-service,
>>> or staff
>>> development, prepare yourself by drawing a square. I
>>> find that 5" x 5"
>>> is a good size.
>>> Divide the card into columns-five across and five
>>> down. That will give
>>> you 25 one-inch blocks.
>>> 2. Write one of the following words/phrases in each
>>> block:
>>> * No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
>>> * test scores
>>> * core competencies
>>> * communication
>>> * proficiency
>>> * standards
>>> * multiple exposures
>>> * benchmarks
>>> * proactive
>>> * win-win
>>> * think outside the box
>>> * action plan
>>> * result-driven
>>> * assessments
>>> * knowledge base
>>> * at the end of the day
>>> * touch base
>>> * mindset
>>> * differentiated
>>> * retention
>>> * skills
>>> * background knowledge
>>> * effective learning
>>> * exemplars
>>> * implementation
>>> * reflection
>>> * grade level expectations (GLE's)
>>> * alpha plus
>>> * benchmark testing
>>> * CRT's
>>> * intervention
>>> * Adaquate Yearly Progress (AYP)
>>> 3. Check off the appropriate block when you hear one
>>> of those
>>> words/phrases.
>>> 4. When you get five blocks horizontally,
>>> vertically, or diagonally
>>> stand up and shout "BULLSHIT!"
>>> TESTIMONIALS from satisfied "Bullshit Bingo"
>>> players:
>>> -- "I had been in the meeting for only five minutes
>>> when I won." - Adam W.,
>>> Atlanta
>>> -- "My attention span at in-services has improved
>>> dramatically." -
>>> David T., Orlando
>>> -- "What a gas! Staff Development will never be the
>>> same for me after
>>> my first win." - Dan J., New York City
>>> -- "The atmosphere was tense in the last in-service
>>> as 14 of us waited
>>> for the fifth box." - Ben G, Denver
>>> -- "The speaker was stunned as eight of us screamed
>>> 'BULLSHIT!' for the
>>> third time in two hours. The Bullshit Bingo
>>> Championship will be played
>>> at the next in-service." -Rod H., Nashville
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