[Rhodes22-list] More Marina Musings

elle watermusic38 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 14 17:15:06 EST 2007

Here's another example of what can happen in an
otherwise unoccupied mind.....I tried to write even
worse than before...but left out a few cliches. 


Scratchings of the Muse: Dawn to Dusk following an Icy

It was a dark and stormy night...it WAS a dark &
stormy night.. .giving way to an icy, grey morning. 
Abundant water in the ditches and fields and the
proliferation of Sweet Gum pods on the ground speaks
to the volume of water that fell overnight. 

The drive to the marina in low morning's light reveals
a tableau of icy fingerlets reaching down from trees'
branches. The air was just cold enough to freeze the
drips; if the light were decent I would stop & shoot
some pix; it's not so I don't. The roads are clear; no
adventure here.

I enter the marina, and from the top of the hill feel
the force of the wind coming off   the river.  Driving
down the hill to the oyster house turned store, I see
what I had just felt: wind opposes current; the
wavelets, unsure of which direction to go, pause in
midair as if to think it through before being absorbed
by their bretheren. The ever-present ducks bob about,
seemingly enjoying the ride. No diving right now.
Boats in slips dodge and buck, their lassos holding
them to the pilings replaced after Isabel in '03. And
the dock installers continue to pound and pound piling
after piling, as the new dock reveals its new shape.

Shafts of light break through the clouds, flash
momentarily on select boats' ports, then just are as
quickly snuffed out by the scudding clouds.

Workers come and go through the day, again enjoying
the warming store; their 'aromas' belying their
current jobs: paint, oil, gasoline...ugh...who's been
in a bilge???

Wind still kicks up and continues to build...pushing
the detritus of the storm to the NE to bedevil others
as it has us. 

As I drive home the setting sun knifes through a slit
in the clouds, then hides itself, leaving only faint
blue and white striations in the slowly dimming sky.
The days are lengthening...I am closer to home before
headlights flash on to reveal my future.

We can't change the angle of the wind....but we can adjust our sails.

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