[Rhodes22-list] IMF "Reefing"

R22RumRunner at aol.com R22RumRunner at aol.com
Sat Feb 17 11:16:59 EST 2007

The IMF is as close to bullet proof as anything can be. Once you have the  
opportunity to disassemble the unit, you will see why it never fails. There  
really isn't anything complicated about it, just well engineered.
The only problem I had with mine was that I couldn't get it to furl one  time 
in strong winds. I grabbed a can of WD-40, went forward and sprayed the  
assembly inside the mast. Got back into the cockpit and easily furled the main.  
We sometimes forget the easy maintenance items when the winds are mild, but 
they  come back to bite you when they are howling. This wasn't a design flaw, 
just a  lazy owner.

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