[Rhodes22-list] NJ Owner
dthomas at chameleon-inc.com
Mon Jan 8 19:47:30 EST 2007
I'd love to be able to meet you but have plans that weekend with my kids
which I can't move.It will have to wait until the Spring when I would very
much like to come out and see your boat. I am interested in getting out on a
Rhodes 22 this year to see if its the boat I would like to buy down the road
a little. Still got three kids to get through college but have some finances
already togther for the boat now which is good. I'll be in touch in the
Spring. enjoy the show. Dan
jsail wrote:
> Dan-
> Been away from list for a few days and haven't caught up on the whole
> thread. I am based year round on Long Beach Island (Ship Bottom) and
> a Rhodes owner with my 2nd since 1988 (new replaced a recycled in
> 1997). Short answer is a group of Rhodes owners (Sheldon and Robin
> Green, et al) and wannabes are getting together for Philadelphia show
> on Sat. 1/20 at 9AM at the Reading Market. Then we're going into
> show. You're welcome to meet me at any point through mid-afternoon.
> I actually feel responsible for this weather as I pulled my boat out
> unwillingly on Dec. 6 before a cold snap, knowing it would trigger
> better weather. Otherwise, I was pushing for a 12 month sailing
> season. The boat is in my driveway and it's easy to flip off the
> canvas cover if you want a look. Sailing will have to wait till March.
> Bring questions and concerns you're still kicking around, and any of
> us would be glad to chat.
> I'll review more e-mails over the next few days and try to catch up.
> Call me on my cell 201/803-5665 to work out a time to get together.
> Regards,
> Jay Friedland
> On Jan 8, 2007, at 8:20 PM, Daniel Thomas wrote:
>> Thanks for the info Marc. Hope it continues to be exciting for you.
>> Dan
>> On 1/8/07 6:20 PM, "Marc Batson" <mrbatson at stjames.edu> wrote:
>>> Dan,
>>> I just selected to go with a recycled Rhodes (1993). It was a
>>> very easy
>>> process, with Stan guiding us along the way. We simply toured the
>>> plant,
>>> selected from what Stan had available, and began the discussion of
>>> what
>>> upgrades we want. The process has been fun so far.
>>> Marc
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
>>> [mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of cymruboy
>>> Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 3:40 PM
>>> To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
>>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Looking for Owners in New Jersey ?
>>> Thanks Elle. I was hoping that I could get a reasonable recycled
>>> boat for
>>> this amount. Is it best to send Stan a list of the options and ask
>>> what each
>>> costs ? I hope he can provide a menu based approach to the boat so
>>> I can add
>>> or not specific items. dan
>>> elle wrote:
>>>> Dan,
>>>> If you go to the top of your budget you will be able
>>>> to get one fine, late model recycled boat with more
>>>> than a few bells & whistles.
>>>> If you shoot a bit under, you will still be able to
>>>> get a fine recycle with some bells & a several
>>>> toots...
>>>> There is an R-22 that will have more than you thought
>>>> possible in your price range.
>>>> Go to NC & talk to Stan. Waste no more time.
>>>> elle
>>>> --- cymruboy <dthomas at chameleon-inc.com> wrote:
>>>>> Many thanks Rob. I have done quite a bit of homework
>>>>> and feel the Rhodes 22
>>>>> would be ideal for sailing the Barnegat bay area as
>>>>> a day sailer. Also may
>>>>> be retiring to the Chesapeake in the next ten years.
>>>>> I just need to get out
>>>>> and sail one. I'll also need to replace my VW passat
>>>>> wagon with hopefully a
>>>>> mid size SUV if that will do. Was thinking of a Ford
>>>>> Escape but need advise
>>>>> there. It would be ideal not to have too much of a
>>>>> gas guzzler if you get my
>>>>> drift and I don't want a truck with three children.
>>>>> Also not sure about
>>>>> going with Used versus a recycled boat. I have up to
>>>>> $25,000 and want to go
>>>>> the best route. I don't want new and don't want an
>>>>> older model. something in
>>>>> between would be ideal. Dan
>>>>> Rob Lowe-2 wrote:
>>>>>> Dan,
>>>>>> You can find where some of us are located by
>>>>> checking out:
>>>> http://www.frappr.com/
>>>> rhodes22#x=-77.89&y=36.56&z=11&t=0&pin=2473192_blue
>>>>>> Looks like Sheldon Green is right in your
>>>>> backyard. Not sure if he's
>>>>>> still
>>>>>> on this list or not, but maybe he'll respond to a
>>>>> message through Frapper.
>>>>>> If not, Jay is right down the road a bit.
>>>>>> what are you looking for in a Rhodes?
>>>>>> Welcome to the list.
>>>>>> Rob Lowe
>>>>>> S/V Getaway
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "Daniel Thomas" <dthomas at chameleon-inc.com>
>>>>>> To: <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2007 12:15 PM
>>>>>> Subject: [Rhodes22-list] Looking for Owners in New
>>>>> Jersey ?
>>>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>>>> I am new to the forum and in the process of
>>>>> starting my search for a
>>>>>> Rhodes
>>>>>>> 22 to own in the coming years. I have never
>>>>> sailed one and wondered who
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> the group resides in New Jersey, especially near
>>>>> Barnegat Bay ideally as
>>>>>>> that's the closest place for me. I currently sail
>>>>> at the Nelson Sailing
>>>>>>> Center at Island heights, but need to get out on
>>>>> a Rhodes 22 to see if I
>>>>>>> like it and how it handles.
>>>>>>> Hopefully hear from a few NJ owners to introduce
>>>>> myself and see if you
>>>>>> might
>>>>>>> be willing to take me out this coming year ?
>>>>>>> Dan
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>>>>> --
>>>>> View this message in context:
>>> http://www.nabble.com/Looking-for-Owners-in-New-Jersey---
>>> tf2935298.html#a822
>>> 3447
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>>>>> Nabble.com.
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