[Rhodes22-list] Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Investments (Poltical)

David Bradley dwbrad at gmail.com
Tue Jan 9 08:05:04 EST 2007

The work they are doing at the foundation is incredible, and people
underestimate how far they have to push the envelope on non-profit
governance and organizational capability to manage an undertaking on this
scale.  Imagine what this will be in five years...

Dave B.

On 1/8/07, Michael D. Weisner <mweisner at ebsmed.com> wrote:
> Microsoft bashing seems to be almost a sport nowadays but how many of the
> arguments have any real substance.  Yes, I realize that 70% of the world's
> largest websites use Linux, Apache and other open source software, but, I
> still need a Windows PC for many of the applications related to my work.
> This LA Times article, which has been widely cited in the last day or so,
> examines whether the purchase and use of Microsoft software products are
> somehow good for the advancement of public health in poor countries, due
> to
> the efforts of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation:
> http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-gatesx07jan07,0,4205044,full.story
> Mike
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David Bradley
dwbrad at gmail.com

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