[Rhodes22-list] List etiquette

John Lock jlock at relevantarts.com
Fri Jul 13 09:48:51 EDT 2007

At 07:07 PM 7/12/2007 -0700, Luis Guzman wrote:
>What we need is a list that has subscription options: a check box 
>for political, a check box for sailing, etc.
>That way you will only receive the emails in the chosen category.
>Where are the software geeks in the list?
>Is there software that would allow something like that or does it 
>have to be created?

Doesn't exist and will never exist.  It depends on the poster 
assigning the right category, in which case it is doomed to fail.

If you want software to sort by topic, odds are pretty good your 
e-mail software will already do that for you.  Read up on "filtering".


John Lock (practicing software geek)
s/v Pandion - '79 Rhodes 22
Lake Sinclair, GA

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