[Rhodes22-list] Iraq-my continuing rant!
kuzzal at comcast.net
kuzzal at comcast.net
Wed Jun 27 12:38:34 EDT 2007
Fat lot of good that did Napoleon at Waterloo!
Maggie K
-------------- Original message --------------
From: "David Culp" <daculp at gmail.com>
> Wally:
> You're right-we were dragged kicking and screaming into WW2. but I think it
> speaks well of our people that we are generally not war-mongers and tend
> toward isolationism, especially in that time period. I don't think the
> "greatest generation" in the US allowed the overrunning of Europe. I
> believe that it was the Europeans themselves who allowed this by their
> acquiescence to Hitler's early demands.
> I was referring to the character of our citizens in earlier times. The
> "greatest generation" survived a great depression and then went on to the
> greatest military victory in history. I wouldn't want to repeat any of
> those events nor any other tragic events in our history, but I do admire
> those who successfully navigated that part of our history with their vigor
> and courage. Also, the generations before them who expanded the country
> against all kinds of perils. I wouldn't want to see any people savaged and
> displaced as we did the American Indians, but again, I admire those
> individuals with the sand to have conquered a new territory against such
> odds. I wonder if this sort of spirit and courage is still a part of the
> average American's character? I have no doubt about our brave military
> members, but what about the average Joe?
> Nuking Afghanistan....
> Yes, certain remote parts where Bin Laden might have been found should have
> been laid to waste with tactical weapons. I don't know if it would have
> been effective, but we should always pursue our enemies with that kind of
> vigor because if nothing else, it is a warning to other legitimate
> governments not to support terrorists. I don't believe that terrorists in
> their own right can be very effective against us without the monetary and
> security support of a sponsoring state. Iran is more then willing to fill
> this role. These middle eastern countries believe we will always take the
> easy way out and quit when the going gets tough. So far, we haven't done
> much to prove them wrong. As far as the populated cities in Afghanistan go,
> I would have used conventional weapons depending on the strategy. I think
> we set the precedent with Japan in WW2 not to use nukes unless the argument
> can be made as to the number of American lives that can be saved as a
> result. I don't think a major invasion of Afghanistan was ever really
> planned, so we couldn't use the nuke argument against civilians. We should
> have concentrated on Afghanistan to the point where possibly Bin Laden was
> killed, the regime was changed and then the populated areas occupied and
> secured. This would have had the added benefit of stopping most of the
> poppy growing which would also be very advantageous to the world. This
> would/should have taken a declaration of war which is a lot harder for the
> politicians to run away from and can be legally justified because we were
> attacked.
> Instead, we have the son trying to vindicate the father using faulty
> intelligence and poor planning to invade and conquer a country which was
> basically bottled up and where we have no legal right to be in the first
> place. Bush 41 is mostly to blame for the Iraq mess IMO. He really has no
> excuse having fought in WW2 to have left a dictator in power once that
> dictator had crossed his borders and invaded another country. This is what
> Hitler did and in Chamberlain-type fashion, 41 let him get away with it.
> Instead, we resorted to sanctions which do nothing but make people even
> madder at you and more resolute. 41 was more worried about his "coalition"
> then the long-term welfare of our nation. The justification was there in
> GW1 for pacifying Iraq and we didn't do it.
> I am a devout UN-hater and blame the concept of the UN for most of our
> problems in the last 60 years. Cases in point:
> Korea-Communists still in power to this day after invading a sovereign
> country. Have acquired nuclear weapons which regardless of what they say,
> they intend to keep. We went in as part of the UN coalition and the job was
> not finished because we were/are deathly afraid of the Chinese. No end in
> sight.
> Viet Nam-Can't really blame the UN for that one. We were deathly afraid of
> Red China, so no saturation bombing of the North, no mining of Haiphong
> harbor or other military strategies which I believe could have resulted in
> victory.
> Gulf War 1-Again, part of a UN coalition that just didn't quite get the job
> done, though we had the means. Lead to the present conflict.
> Gulf War 2-US and Britain acting as the principal agents of the UN in
> enforcing a UN resolution. No end in sight.
> Numerous failures in other areas in the Middle East and Africa, notably
> Palestine.
> We must be getting some great intelligence from spying on all the foreign
> missions at the UN, otherwise, why in the world would we remain a member of
> such an impotent organization?
> OK... I don't know how I morphed into dissing the UN in this discussion
> either, but now "you sonsabitches know how I feel"-George C. Scott, opening
> scene in "Patton".
> Seriously... Just remember the words of Napoleon:
> "If you want to be victorious in war... always fight it against a
> coalition."
> David Culp
> It seems to me the some people forget that we were dragged kicking and
> screaming into both the World Wars, Have Congress declare war and then we
> can actually see what happens rather than speculate. The greatest generation
> allowed Hitler to over run Europe and set up concentration camps. It wasn't
> until the attack on Pearl Harbor that we finally joined in. I am sure this
> country would rise up and support a war it it was actually declared to
> protect our allies or our National security. I do agree that there is much
> wrong with this country however the good old days may depend on perspective.
> I don't think many African Americans would want to go back to an even more
> racist society. The 30s are not my version of the good times.....I do agree
> that the moral compass is out of whack.
> Do you really think we should have nuked Afghanistan? I thought we were
> trying to free them of the Taliban. Once we level their country do we tell
> them they are now "free"? We would have looked pretty silly dropping nukes
> and then having Bin laden show up alive in Iran or Pakistan. The 911 group
> was from Saudi Arabia....do we nuke them as well?
> I do agree we need to do away with PAC money.
> Wally
> On 6/26/07, David Culp wrote:
> >
> > Interesting observations... I'd rather talk about sailing but here are
> > mine
> > for others to contemplate:
> >
> > I envy Stan in that he and his generation were truly the greatest and
> > quite
> > frankly, our country is in decline and has been since after Korea. Very
> > slowly at first but then accelerating after Viet Nam. I worry about the
> > kind of country that my children and grandchildren will be growing up in.
> > If the present list of candidates for President in either of the two
> > parties
> > is any indication, my worries are well-founded. However, one person
> > cannot
> > save a nation; it takes the body politic to do so.
> >
> > I listened to a fellow the other day who was advocating legalized
> > prostitution in our country-seemed to think that it would alleviate a lot
> > of
> > problems and generate more tax revenue. It occurred to me that we already
> > have legalized prostitution in this country with approximately 525
> > "whores"
> > legally working on Capitol Hill and literally hundreds of "Johns" legally
> > working on K Street in Washington DC. This is what your government and
> > ultimately your country have come to-politicians sold out to the highest
> > bidder. This cannot be what the original framers of our Constitution and
> > our country had in mind and is certainly not worth dying for.... Is
> > it? It
> > is time to stop all lobbying by any individual, corporation or union in
> > our
> > government because it renders the will of the average voter to be less
> > effective and it is the average voter's children who die on the
> > battlefield.
> >
> > According to the Constitution, wars are declared by Congress. We are not
> > in
> > a declared war, so therefore I think that it helps to answer the question
> > why the American people are not engaged and politicians are abandoning the
> > cause. When you go to war, you have to have a culmination of those
> > efforts
> > in some form or another. Just think if you went to a sports event and
> > suddenly the referees called the whole thing off in the third quarter with
> > no victor declared. No one would be interested in coming to the event
> > again
> > and only the most dedicated of players would show up to get in a good
> > practice session. This is what has happened in Korea, Viet Nam (our team
> > left the field) and probably Iraq. Bush thought he was going to fight a
> > short "cable TV" war with great ratings and vindicate his father all at
> > the
> > same time. Unfortunately, the American people are now tuning out and
> > regrettably we have over 3500 dead and thousands wounded. And for what?
> > What have we accomplished?
> >
> > In war you must have closure one way or the other. Germany and Japan are
> > both allies today, yet they were mortal enemies 60 years ago. The
> > difference is that there was a final score. We won. Our goals were clear
> > and our fight was with the peoples of both of those countries. We broke
> > both countries militarily and we broke their citizens will to continue the
> > fight. We have not done that since. The referees (UN) and the
> > politicians
> > keep screwing up the matches I suppose.
> >
> > The only thing in my opinion that can save the Iraq campaign now is for
> > Israel to attack Iran. They most certainly would retaliate against
> > American
> > forces in Iraq who will grant over-flight and other support for the
> > bombing
> > missions and this would in some ways vindicate the ill advised decision to
> > go there in the first place. Why else would two full carrier battle
> > groups
> > be prowling the Gulf right now? I'm sure the present administration is
> > hoping for this very thing. Iran is the true enemy in the Middle East and
> > their leadership should be eliminated and the civilian population
> > decimated
> > to the point where their spirit is broken and they no longer wish to fight
> > anyone. This is how we won in Germany and Japan, unless you happen to
> > believe that the photos of the bomb-leveled cities of Germany were faked
> > or
> > the two atomic bombs dropped in Japan only killed Japanese sailors and
> > soldiers. The next President who tells me that our fight is not with the
> > "people" of a certain country is the next President who should be
> > impeached
> > immediately, as a war can only be fought between two "peoples".
> > Ultimately, we the people either elect the leaders or allow the dictators
> > to
> > remain who take us to war.
> >
> > For example: Afghanistan should have been leveled after 9/11 including
> > the
> > use of tactical nukes in the mountains to get Bin Laden. The government
> > (the people) allowed the Taliban to remain who supported Bin Laden, who
> > attacked us on our own soil. If you are shaking your head "no" over this
> > observation, then my friend, you are not prepared for real war. I would
> > say
> > that America and Americans overall no longer have the stomach and are not
> > prepared for real war which I say again.... Is a struggle between peoples.
> > The reality is that Coalition forces are still being attacked and poppy
> > production which is Afghanistan's most important export is the highest on
> > record. So much for victory there.
> >
> > Does that mean that I like the idea of war... with women and children or
> > other innocents being killed? No, certainly not, not in this country or
> > any
> > other. But this is the true cost of true war. And when a country's
> > citizens tire of paying the true cost of war, they will take a different
> > tack just as Japan and Germany did after WW2 and just as we will in Iraq
> > though we tend to change course under far less devastating circumstances
> > which over time may ultimately be our downfall.
> >
> > David Culp
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > While we are choosing the cut of our next mainsail, kids are still dying
> > in
> > Iraq. Mostly, they are killed from IEDs, enhanced with C4 from Iran
> > (semtex
> > too), but other sources as well. Sorry too spoil your otherwise pleasant
> > day
> > but twenty-year-old kids have their asses at risk as we speak, while in
> > cyberspace, we mentally masturbate about defending your right to bitch
> > about
> > why they are there, OR, we debate the cut of our mainsail. Go sailing on
> > the 4th of July and forget about all that died to make that holiday
> > happen.
> > I can't blame you for not having a clue about what is happening in Iraq
> > right now, why should you care when there is so much more interesting news
> > happening. Did Paris eat a snatch in prison? Inquiring minds want to
> > know! I don't know what your plans on the 4th are but I'm taking the
> > CoraShen out and flying the flag. Why can't we all get along? The
> > Germans
> > just wanted a little territory and a few less Jews. No problem there.
> > Right? Sorry for spoiling an otherwise great sail but wake up
> > folks! Your
> > weekend sailing satisfaction is not guaranteed! The war that is nothing
> > more than a bumper sticker might just blow-up right in your face. Happy
> > 4th! (I'll be gone until the 6th of July so the world is your
> > responsibility. Good Luck!
> >
> > Brad
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