[Rhodes22-list] AQ a Terror Threat?

Steven Alm stevenalm at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 02:31:48 EDT 2007

I moved to MD in 1980 driving a 1969 Dodge van.  It had MN plates with
expired stickers so I just tore the stickers off and planned to play dumb if
I got stopped.  And I did.  The cop said he thought MN required stickers and
kinda scratched my head and said, "Dunno.  Never done it before."

He went back to his cruiser for a few minutes and came back said his
computer was broken down so he couldn't check.  So off I went on my merry
way.  Next I had to grease the palm of the guy at the inspection shop to get
him to pass my old van held together with bailing wire and various
jury-rigged light switches.

Pardon the rambling but this was funny:  The break light switch under the
break pedal was shot and no longer available so I by-passed the old switch
and ran wires up the steering column and out onto the three-on-the-tree
shift lever.  There I mounted a SPST momentary throw switch which turned on
the break lights.  When stopping, I always had my hand on the shifter anyway
so when I stepped on the breaks I also through the switch with my thumb.
When the inspector asked what the switch was for I said it was for an old
horn that I don't have anymore.  I through the switch a few times while he
looked closely at it and didn't hear any horn.  When he walked around
checking the lights, he called out, "Break Lights!"  I didn't even push the
pedal, I just thumbed the switch and passed.

I never did change my driver's license because I was only there for the
school year.


On 6/27/07, Robert Skinner <robert at squirrelhaven.com> wrote:
> Mary Lou Troy wrote:
> > What? you didn't bring the bill or piece of mail with your local
> > address on it or was it some other frivolous bit of info? Because we
> > have such a long drive to Easton, we brought lots of paper with us
> > and I don't remember what I actually needed. I do remember that with
> > the vehicles it cost me a lot more than in PA.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> I also migrated from PA to MD about 20 years ago,
> and even then, the tariff for bringing in a vehicle
> was outrageous.
> /Robert
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