[Rhodes22-list] Next photo mystery - VHF antenna?

John Lock jlock at relevantarts.com
Sun Mar 11 17:23:22 EDT 2007

At 03:36 PM 3/11/2007 -0500, you wrote:
>  it doesn't have to be "matched", it just needs to be 36" long 
> (preferably stainless steel) and the right diameter
>so that it makes a good connection when it is secured.  36" is a the 
>half-wave antenna for VHF frequencies.
>I have not compared a VHF/FM splitter-based antenna vs. a simple 3' 
>plug-in-the-back-antenna, but my 3'
>plug-in-the-back antenna pulls in distant FM stations just fine.
>ps - welcome aboard!

Thanks!  I'll do some searching around.  Not a real requirement right 
now, but a real PITA to put on later ;-)


John Lock
?????? - '79 Rhodes 22
Lake Sinclair, GA

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