[Rhodes22-list] Miscellaneous electronic devices

John Lock jlock at relevantarts.com
Wed Mar 14 19:42:38 EDT 2007

At 03:26 PM 3/14/2007 -0700, you wrote:
>         I do not recall you saying that you found the top piece to your vhf
>antenna.  The following applies to both the transducers and antenna.

No, I didn't find it.  It may be along I-77 between here North 
Carolina.  ;-)  But I did find a Metz replacement online and ordered it.

>the system you could tell if you are within limits.  Hooking up a fish
>finder console to any transducer could smoke the console or the transducer.
>Yes, people willie nilley hook up things, and usually after the smoke clears
>the throw the stuff out, notwithstanding comments otherwise.

Cool.  That's the advice I needed.  Sounds like it may not be useful 
anyway.  However, since there is an available thru-hull in the 
lazerette.  I could install a depth sounder transducer there... yes?


John Lock
?????? - '79 Rhodes 22
Lake Sinclair, GA

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