[Rhodes22-list] Political ecology - You can't change just one thing in a system

Robert Skinner robert at squirrelhaven.com
Thu Mar 22 11:09:48 EDT 2007

Tootle wrote:
> I agree with your points, however please explain how garbage in the ocean
> and mercury in drinking water are direct causes of global warming?


Ed, they are not causes; they are symptoms of an attitude 
which I believe you alluded to later in your response.

The point that I was making is that (contrary to the Czech 
president's view) it is possible to ruin this planet -- and 
I believe we are doing a fine job of it already.

Global warming, because it is the focus of so much 
discussion today, obscures the certainly man-made assaults 
on our home -- which is the whole earth.  You cannot change 
just one thing in a system, and you cannot isolate one 
country's impact on our global home any more than you can 
ignore the effects of a truck coming at you in your lane.

We have a government to mitigate the effects of the 
dictatorial power and individual's avarice, agression, or 
misfortune, and to defend against other countries' acts
against us.  At one time, we could ignore the interactive 
effects of countries who were not either neighbors or 
attacking us, but as our understanding of our global 
ecology matures, we find that there are huge effects -- 
consequences of one country's actions ring worldwide.

Brad's point about the effects of zealots on global 
politics -- that we who are happy with our lives may be 
overwhelmed by those who are not -- is valid.  It is 
related, in that only a global response to global 
vandalism will be effective.  Terrorists are nothing 
more than children who have not given up breaking 
windows as they got older.  The fact that many are 
Islamic is incidental.  The patriarchal character of 
Islam creates a cognitive shelter for their mis-leaders.

Just as good health is the slowest way to die, so do we 
face the horse race between being blown to bits or 
poisoned by our air and water.

Ultimately, our daily choices do have an effect.  I 
choose to minimize my impact on my nearby environment, 
knowing that there is no pure green action other than 
digging my grave, lying in it, and starving myself to 

I also advocate persuing the individual terrorists and 
killing them before they kill me.  I do not support 
taking entire countries and occupying them while 
attempting to mediate a civil war.  When you shoot a 
mosquito in your house with a shotgun, you blow a hole 
in your wall.  Counterproductive overkill.

Robert Skinner       "Squirrel Haven" 
9 Gateway Comn, Gorham, ME 04038-1331

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