[Rhodes22-list] 12 or 24V?

Brad Haslett flybrad at gmail.com
Wed May 9 13:07:03 EDT 2007


Batteries die from abuse.  Trust me, I'm a serial abuser.  In a perfect
world the high-end (read expensive) batteries will outlast the WalMart
ones.  You are a serial abuser too (you just don't know it yet).  WalMart is
the largest seller of batteries in the US (and tires, toilet paper, tampons,
etc.) and you will not beat their price.  They will accept your old battery
and recycle it or charge you $5.  No one needs a battery collection in their
garage.  I have one though in case you are in the market.


On 5/9/07, R22RumRunner at aol.com <R22RumRunner at aol.com> wrote:
> Rob,
> The previous owner installed or inherited the boat with a wrong battery.
> Replace it with a good 12V deep cycle battery. There are many thoughts as
> to
> where you should purchase the battery. Check the archives, but many owners
> have
> had good experiences with the Walmart brand.
> Before raising the mast, check the light again just to be on the safe
> side.
> :)
> Rummy
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