[Rhodes22-list] Running Red Lights funny Story

Joseph Hadzima josef508 at yahoo.com
Thu May 10 11:43:49 EDT 2007

Best Story I know about these silly photo RED lights:

U Maryland College Park had a walk/race to raise $$ for
breast cancer.  Cop directing traffic would stop cars on
teh main road, let people cross, then let the cars go ...
It was an intercection NORMALLY controlled by a traffic
light, but the cop was now in charge ... they did NOT
switch the light to only FLASHING ... I noticed a click
click sound while waiting for the cop to stop the traffic. 
YEP the light was red and he was signaling people to drive
through the inercection.  Someone pinter to the camera on
the poll and yelled to the cop ... he just smiled.  

I have no idea whether people got photos of their car
running the red light, and if the cop was in the photo, of
how they explained it to the judge.  But I'll remember that
cop's chessire cat grin!

--- Bud Connor <budconnor at earthlink.net> wrote:

> Brad,
>   Florida has been dealing with the same issue for the
> past few years. 
>  One company is really pushing the bill,
> but only one person has repeatedly stopped it's passage -
> the committee 
> chairman.  Personally I like the idea
> of ticketing based on technology (vs. an actual officer
> present).  But I 
> don't like the revenue sharing concept
> either.
> -Bud

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