[Rhodes22-list] Question for Mary Lou

bill davidge wpdavidge at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 18 18:55:36 EST 2007

Thanks Fred ..That helps a lot . I liked the post that Mary Lou has But I was not sure what I would do next fall when it came time to, store my boat .

  Bill Davidge Temperance MI.
   Shadow 1992 , RB / 2007  R22

----- Original Message ----
From: Fred Kaiser <fkaiser at atlanticbb.net>
To: The Rhodes 22 mail list <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 5:15:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Question for Mary Lou

 Thought I would take a crack at this:  The shift controller is really 
easy, the outer cable is held in place by a clip that can be released 
by hand.
the inner cable is connected to the shift arm by a clevis type pin 
screwed onto the inner cable.  Simply remove the locking pin by 
pliers and unhook the pin  from the shift lever.
The throttle cable is a little more involved.  The motor cover is 
removed and the outer cable is unclipped by the same method as the 
shift cable.  The inner cable goes through a hole drilled in the 
casing and connected to the the throttle lever by the same type 
clevis pin screwed to the cable.  After removing the locking clip, 
the pin needs to be unscrewed from the cable so that the cable can by 
pulled back out of the drilled hole.  This can be done by hand, no 
tools needed.  You need to remember the number of turns it takes to 
unscrew the pin so that it can be screwed back in the same distance 
when re installing since this determines the idle speed of the 
motor.  I marked the number of turns on the inside of the cover since 
Spring is a long time away.  It really takes no more time than 
describing it here.  It's easy to see how its done when the cable are 
in hand. No pictures available till spring as the cables are on the 
boat and the motor in our shed.

Hope this is clear.

Fred Kaiser
Fretless,  91Rhodes 22
Rock Hall MD

At 03:38 PM 11/18/2007, you wrote:
>Mary Lou what do you do when you take your engine off ? How much work  is to
>disconnect the controls from the engine?
>   Bill D  .       Temperance Mi.

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