[Rhodes22-list] GO TROJANS! (Sports and er, Sport Sex?)
Brad Haslett
flybrad at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 10:54:25 EDT 2007
I gotta get to the hangar and get some work done. Just stumbled across this
survey by the Trojan condom company on sexual health and US Universities
this morning. My alma-mater, the University of Arkansas - Little Rock,
ranked 136th out of 139. And the name of their sports teams? Of course,
the Trojans. I can't wait to call my oldest son who is working on a second
degree there now. Hear, Hear! To another winning season! Go Trojans!
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*Trojan(R) Ranks U.S. Colleges and Universities in Second Annual Sexual
Health Report Card
University of Minnesota Ranked No. 1 Ivy League Most Sexually Healthy
Majority of Students Polled Think Health Centers Need to Improve their
PRINCETON, N.J., Sept. 10 /PRNewswire/ -- The makers of Trojan brand
condoms today released their 2007 Sexual Health Report Card, the second
annual ranking of sexual health resources at American colleges and
universities. The study, conducted by Sperling's BestPlaces on behalf of
Trojan, finds a lack of access to information and resources may prevent
some students from being sexually healthy.
This year's report card arrives in the wake of Trojan's "Evolve"
campaign (http://www.trojanevolve.com <http://www.trojanevolve.com/>),
a multimedia effort aimed at redefining
the national dialogue on sexual health with an emphasis on responsible
behavior and partners' respect for one another.
In total, 139 colleges and universities representing each state and
major NCAA Division I athletic conference were reviewed. Placing first and
second, the University of Minnesota and University of Wyoming demonstrated
"well- evolved" sexual health programs and were the most sexually healthy
schools according to the study. While Ohio State and the University of
Florida may have recently triumphed in sports, the Trojan Report Card
indicates their sexual health programs have room to improve, as OSU and UF
ranked 26th and 43rd, respectively.
Researchers polled student health centers and reviewed their websites
to assign a grade point average (GPA) for sexual health resources across 11
separate categories:
-- Sexual health awareness programs
-- Condom & contraception availability
-- HIV testing
-- Other Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) testing
-- Student health center hours of operation
-- Drop-in vs. appointment-based service
-- Navigability and usability of Web-based sexual health information
-- Anonymous advice / newspaper columns
-- Lecture outreach programs
-- Student peer groups
-- Sexual assault programs
With a significantly expanded scope including more judging categories,
more schools, and broader data collection methods like live health center
interviews, Web reviews and student polls, the 2007 Trojan Sexual Health
Report Card tells a different story from last year.
The University of Minnesota was the surprise standout, moving up to
number one this year, from 54 last year. The University of Wyoming claimed
second place, up from number 92. According to the report, both schools
improved dramatically, making major enhancements to sexual health resources
offered to students.
Availability of anonymous advice, free contraception including condom
distribution, and separate sexual awareness programs were the biggest
factors in differentiating the top ranked schools from the rest.
"We were quite surprised and gratified by our findings," said Bert
Sperling, president of Sperling's BestPlaces, an independent research firm
based in Portland. "The top-ranking schools made significant improvements
to their programming-due in part, we hope, to last year's study results --
and they deserve to be commended."
While only one Ivy League school cracked the top ten (Harvard, No. 10),
all schools in the league placed in the top 40, posting the highest
conference-wide GPA of 3.28 combined. Conversely, four schools in the Sun
Belt conference fell into the bottom 10 (University of Louisiana, No. 138;
Arkansas State University, No. 137; University of Arkansas, No. 136; Middle
Tennessee State University, No. 131). No schools in this conference made it
into the top 20 and the overall conference GPA was 2.23.
Yale University, which topped the rankings in 2006, came in at number
16 this year. Access to sexual health information and resources, including
the schools annual Sex Week at Yale (SWAY), continue to be highly rated;
however, the school's lower ranking is a result of the expanded categories
and schools considered. The 2007 Sexual Health Report Card examined 139
schools, nearly 50 percent more than last year, and judged several
categories not taken into consideration last year, resulting in different
Highest- and Lowest-Ranked Schools
1. University of Minnesota (GPA 3.91)
2. University of Wyoming (GPA 3.91)
3. University of Washington (GPA 3.73)
4. Rutgers University (GPA 3.68)
5. Purdue University (GPA 3.64)
135. Villanova University (GPA 1.45)
136. University of Arkansas (GPA 1.36)
137. Arkansas State University (GPA 1.14)
138. University of Louisiana (GPA 0.91)
139. Louisiana Tech University (GPA 0.82)
For the first time, researchers allowed students to weigh in with an
online survey that generated more than 3,300 responses. This opinion poll
did not factor into the rankings, but does point to the opportunity for
health centers on campus to evolve how they meet the needs of their
While 66 percent said their health centers are "doing a good job," 32
percent of respondents said they would not consider contacting their
student health center for health concerns and 53 percent agreed their
centers could improve overall.
"The fact is, college students are at serious risk for STIs and
unplanned pregnancies," said Jim Daniels, vice president of marketing,
Trojan brand condoms. "It's time to evolve the way we address the realities
of sexual health and provide students with the practical resources they
need to protect themselves. The Trojan Sexual Health Report Card helps
students and their schools celebrate areas of excellence and focus on
opportunities to improve."
Information was gathered over an eight-week period beginning in the
spring of 2007, and was collected via live student health center phone
interviews. This data was then corroborated through visits to student
health center Web sites.
About The 2007 Trojan Sexual Health Report Card
One-hundred-thirty-nine colleges and universities were selected to be
included in the survey, up from 100 last year with every state represented
by at least one school. The schools were chosen for their size and general
level of familiarity to the public. Information was gathered over the
course of three months -- April to June 2007. The students of each school
participated in a poll to judge their opinions of their school's student
health services regarding matters of sexual health and awareness. Each
school's student health center was contacted via telephone and email to
participate in a brief poll regarding the center's services. Each school
received a score of 1-10 in each of 11 criteria, and then each of the
numeric scores was converted into a letter grade, from which a score was
calculated for each in the same manner a student's grade point average is
computed. Criteria included: Student health center hours of operation,
drop-in vs. appointment based service, sexual health awareness programs,
contraception availability, HIV testing, other STI testing, anonymous
advice / newspaper columns, lecture outreach programs, student peer groups,
sexual assault programs and navigability and usability of website. In the
event of a tie, schools with the lowest individual category score were
ranked below those with higher individual scores. For example, a school
with a C as a lowest of the 11 grades would rank above a school with a D or
F in one of its categories. In the event of a further tie, the winner was
determined by the best score in its web site.
TROJAN(R) Brand Condoms are America's #1 condom and have been trusted
for nearly 90 years. TROJAN(R) brand latex condoms are made from premium
quality latex to help reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy and sexually
transmitted diseases. Each condom is electronically tested to help ensure
reliability. There are over 29 varieties of TROJAN(R) Brand Condoms. More
Americans trust the TROJAN(R) brand than any other condom. For more
information visit http://www.trojancondoms.com and http://www.trojanevolve.com.
About Sperling's BestPlaces
Bert Sperling has been helping people find their own "Best Place" to
live, work and retire for more than 20 years. His firm, Sperling's
BestPlaces, puts facts in the hands of the public so they can make better
decisions about best places to live, work, retire, play, or relocate. His
bestselling books, Cities Ranked and Rated and Best Places to Raise Your
Family, are published by John Wiley & Sons. More information about Bert and
his work is available at http://www.bestplaces.net.
New 2006 Conference COLLEGE NAME Overall
Ranking ranking GPA
1 54 Big 10 University of Minnesota 3.91
2 92 Mountain West University of Wyoming 3.91
3 57 PAC 10 University of Washington 3.73
4 13 Big East Rutgers University 3.68
5 59 Big 10 Purdue University 3.64
6 11 SEC University of South Carolina 3.64
7 MAC Western Michigan University 3.64
8 26 Big 12 University of Nebraska 3.64
9 C-USA East Carolina University 3.59
10 43 Ivy League Harvard University 3.55
11 Ivy League University of Pennsylvania 3.55
12 Ivy League Columbia University 3.45
13 30 SEC Louisiana State University A&M 3.45
14 21 Big 10 University of Wisconsin 3.36
15 77 PAC 10 University of Oregon 3.36
16 1 Ivy League Yale University 3.36
17 5 PAC 10 Oregon State University 3.36
18 ACC Georgia Institute of Technology 3.36
19 15 Big 10 Pennsylvania State University 3.36
20 MAC Central Michigan University 3.32
21 2 Big 10 University of Iowa 3.27
22 Sun Belt Florida Atlantic University 3.27
23 3 Big 10 University of Michigan 3.27
24 8 ACC Duke University 3.27
25 63 Ivy League Dartmouth College 3.18
26 9 Big 10 Ohio State University 3.18
27 32 Big 12 University of Colorado 3.18
28 62 PAC 10 Washington State University 3.18
29 10 Big 10 University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign 3.18
30 MAC Ohio University 3.18
31 17 PAC 10 University of Arizona 3.18
32 29 PAC 10 University of Southern
California 3.18
33 31 C-USA University of Southern
Mississippi 3.14
34 6 Ivy League Princeton University 3.14
35 C-USA Tulane University 3.14
36 ACC Wake Forest University 3.14
37 41 ACC University of Virginia 3.09
38 40 PAC 10 University of California-
Berkeley 3.09
39 44 Ivy League Brown University 3.09
40 Big East University of South Florida 3.09
41 4 PAC 10 Stanford University 3.09
42 Big 10 Northwestern University 3.09
43 49 SEC University of Florida 3.09
44 60 Big 12 Kansas State University 3.09
45 79 Big 12 University of Kansas 3.05
46 25 SEC University of Georgia 3.05
47 56 Big 10 Indiana University 3.05
48 Mountain West San Diego State University 3.05
49 Sun Belt University of South Alabama 3.05
50 55 ACC University of Miami 3.05
51 23 Mountain West Colorado State University 3.00
52 48 WAC Boise State University 3.00
53 53 Big 12 University of Texas at Austin 3.00
54 WAC San Jose State University 3.00
55 MAC Miami University 3.00
56 61 ACC University of Maryland 2.95
57 C-USA University of Tulsa 2.95
58 MAC Kent State University 2.95
59 37 ACC North Carolina State University 2.95
60 20 Big East Syracuse University 2.91
61 42 Big 12 University of Missouri 2.91
62 MAC Ball State University 2.91
63 Ivy League Cornell University 2.91
64 46 ACC Virginia Polytechnic Institute 2.91
65 97 Big 12 Oklahoma State University 2.91
66 65 Big East University of Pittsburgh 2.91
67 MAC Eastern Michigan University 2.86
68 45 WAC University of Hawaii 2.86
69 67 Big East West Virginia University 2.82
70 69 Big 12 Iowa State University 2.82
71 83 ACC Florida State University 2.77
72 Big East Seton Hall University 2.77
73 Sun Belt University of Denver 2.73
74 96 C-USA University of Memphis 2.73
75 34 Big 10 Michigan State University 2.73
76 98 Mountain West University of Utah 2.73
77 76 SEC University of Arkansas 2.73
78 86 Mountain West University of New Mexico 2.73
79 Sun Belt Western Kentucky University 2.73
80 71 SEC University of Alabama 2.73
81 68 PAC 10 University of California-
Los Angeles 2.64
82 95 ACC Clemson University 2.64
83 93 Big East University of Louisville 2.64
84 WAC Utah State University 2.64
85 78 Mountain West Texas Christian University 2.64
86 52 MAC SUNY Buffalo 2.64
87 50 Big East University of Connecticut 2.64
88 Sun Belt Florida International
University 2.64
89 28 SEC University of Kentucky 2.59
90 39 Big 12 Texas A&M University 2.55
91 70 PAC 10 Arizona State University 2.55
92 C-USA University of Texas at El Paso 2.55
93 Sun Belt University of Louisiana at
Lafayette 2.55
94 Sun Belt Troy State University 2.50
95 19 Mountain West University of Nevada-Las Vegas 2.50
96 36 Big 12 University of Oklahoma 2.45
97 74 SEC Mississippi State University 2.41
98 MAC University of Toledo 2.41
99 47 WAC New Mexico State University 2.41
100 MAC Bowling Green State University 2.41
101 C-USA Rice University 2.36
102 14 ACC University of North Carolina 2.36
103 Big East Providence College 2.36
104 88 SEC University of Tennessee 2.36
105 C-USA Southern Methodist University 2.36
106 Summit League Indiana University-
Purdue University-Indianapolis 2.32
107 MAC University of Akron 2.32
108 Sun Belt University of North Texas 2.32
109 99 Big East University of Notre Dame 2.27
110 Sun Belt University of New Orleans 2.27
111 C-USA University of Houston 2.27
112 Independents Utah Valley State College 2.23
113 84 Big East Marquette University 2.18
114 Mountain West U.S. Air Force Academy 2.18
115 80 Big East Georgetown University 2.09
116 27 Big East University of Cincinnati 2.09
117 MAC Northern Illinois University 2.09
118 64 SEC Auburn University 2.00
119 WAC California State University-
Fresno 2.00
120 ACC Boston College 1.91
121 100 Mountain West Brigham Young University 1.91
122 Big East DePaul University 1.91
123 Independents Chicago State University 1.86
124 Independents University of Texas-Pan
American 1.86
125 81 SEC University of Mississippi 1.82
126 WAC University of Idaho 1.82
127 94 Big 12 Texas Tech University 1.82
128 SEC Vanderbilt University 1.73
129 C-USA Marshall University 1.68
130 Independents Savannah State University 1.64
131 Sun Belt Middle Tennessee State
University 1.55
132 Big East St. John's University 1.55
133 C-USA University of Central Florida 1.45
134 Big 12 Baylor University 1.45
135 Big East Villanova University 1.45
136 Sun Belt University of Arkansas at
Little Rock 1.36
137 Sun Belt Arkansas State University 1.14
138 Sun Belt University of Louisiana at
Monroe 0.91
139 WAC Louisiana Tech University 0.82
Contacts: Michael Bruno Melle Hock
Edelman Edelman
212-704-8232 212-642-7793
michael.bruno at edelman.com melle.hock at edelman.com
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