[Rhodes22-list] Another Good Reason to Visit Slim
Steven Alm
stevenalm at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 02:08:23 EDT 2007
First, thanks for the plug but most of my gigs are out of town these days.
And thus I'm at the airport all the time (today, in fact--just got home from
the Lake of the Ozarks) and I still don't know which bathroom it is. I
seem to remember hearing it's outside the security check, but I've heard
there are websites dedicated to listing places where you can "connect" and
MSP, and in fact that particular bathroom is high on the list.
BTW, the Lake of the Ozarks gig is awesome. If anyone is planning on being
there, please let me know. I'll hook you up with a lot of fun! See:
On 9/17/07, Brad Haslett <flybrad at gmail.com> wrote:
> Just getting to hear Slim play is reason enough to fly to MSP, but if you
> need another one, here it is! Brad
> -----------------------------
> US Senator's 'gay sting' sparks toilet tourism
> By Matthew Moore
> Last Updated: 4:33pm BST 17/09/2007
> New York has the Statue of Liberty, San Francisco boasts the Golden Gate
> Bridge, and Washington is home to the White House.
> [image: US senator caught in 'gay' sting operation]Republican senator
> Larry
> Craig has faced rumours about his sexuality since the 1980s
> But Minneapolis' new must-see tourist attraction tops them all, at least
> for
> lovers of a old-fashioned political sex scandal.
> Visitors from across the United States are flocking to the men's toilets
> at
> Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport to see the stall where Senator
> Larry Craig was arrested for making sexual advances towards an undercover
> male police officer<http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/08/29/wsenator129.xml
> >
> .
> The Republican senator for Idaho was forced to resign earlier last month
> <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/09/01/wsenator101.xml
> >after
> pleading guilty to "disorderly conduct" in relation to his behaviour in
> the
> known gay cruising ground.
> Mr Craig allegedly tapped his foot, brushed his shoe against the officer's
> shoe and repeatedly waved his hand under the stall divider.
> Now the scene of the sting is proving unexpectedly popular with curious
> air
> travellers.
> Karen Evans, who works at the airport's information desk, says that
> "Excuse
> me, can you please tell me where the Larry Craig bathroom is?" is now one
> of
> the most frequent questions she is asked.
> "It's become a tourist attraction," Ms Evans told the Idaho Statesman
> newspaper. "People are taking pictures."
> Gee Butler, who works at the airport's shoeshine shop, told the paper:
> "People have been going inside, taking pictures of the stall, taking
> pictures outside the bathroom door - man, it's been crazy."
> Jon and Sally Westby of Minneapolis popped in to the toilet while waiting
> for their flight to Guatemala.
> "We had to just stop and check out the bathroom," Mrs Westby said. "In
> fact,
> it's Jon's second time - he was here last week already."
> Mr Craig resigned after pressure from within his own party, but insists he
> is not gay and has done nothing wrong.
> He says he only pleaded guilty to the disorderly conduct offence to "deal
> with the matter expeditiously", and has applied to have the plea
> withdrawn.
> For holidaymakers with more refined tastes, Minneapolis boasts the highest
> density of theatres of any US city apart from New York, the beautiful
> Chain
> of Lakes, and a much-admired statue of Mary Tyler Moore.
> I
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