[Rhodes22-list] Rummy's Consumption Meter, Robert's Radar (MASH?) & much more

Tootle ekroposki at charter.net
Fri Sep 21 08:45:56 EDT 2007

This is a reply about several subjects:


According to Rummy it has cooled off.  Yes, we had a stretch in August and
the beginning of September where we either broke heat records or came close. 
This past week it has been cool and windy.  Yes, come on down.  Not much
traffic, see: 


Are you playing cat and mouse with Elle?  Telling her “It's a very simple
percent of charge meter.”  Now that it is cooler, take that roofing camera
and take a picture of the meter, where and how it is hooked up, you know the
important details that she can follow.  You need to do this before she goes
to the Pope, who knowns, he may get her to go to a convent?

Robert of Squirrel Heaven,

That was a great post on radar.  However, all the web sites cited did not
come thru.  Can you repost the informative web sites?  By the way, if the
Artic Ice is closing in, why not come down to the southeast?  It is getting
to be that time of the year:
Don’t wait until you need a wheel chair.

Mary Lou,

Get Fred out of the house and off the boat, see:
http://www.tailofthedragon.com/  (Bob, check out the two wheelers)

Is anybody going to see Stan and Elton?  

Take some pictures and post:

Take a look and drool:  http://webcam.srs.fs.fed.us/

Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA

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