[Rhodes22-list] Political - Mideast Prospects
Brad Haslett
flybrad at gmail.com
Wed Apr 2 06:54:28 EDT 2008
While I don't agree with all of the authors observations, one point he makes
his certainly true. The seeds of democracy was able to take root on our soil
because of several hundred years of post enlightenment experience. In what
passes for world history in our schools and on our campuses, we are taught
that all cultures and philosophies are equal but different. That is pure
bunk! I like to argue this point with my Chinese friends who were educated
before the Cultural Revolution (meaning they're older) and compare the state
of Chinese culture at the end of the Ming Dynasty to Western Civilization.
The Chinese were ahead in about every measure of a successful culture.
While the Qing dynasty sunk their fleet and went into isolation, Western
Civilization moved forward with the Renaissance (for a good read on the
state of Western Civ during this period read "A World Lit Only by Fire -
William Manchester). If in fact yours and the authors doubts (and to some
degree mine as well) are true, we're in for a long bumpy ride!
As an example of what we're up against, watch the short movie FITNA. This
is the film just released by Dutch film maker Geert Wilders, and was pulled
by LiveLeak.com within hours because of death threats on their employees.
Try this link - www.themoviefitna.com/. If it doesn't work you may have to
do a search, the enemies of enlightenment have been hacking sites and
threatening others.
In the entire history of mankind we have never had "universal peace and
harmony". Best we keep our eyes open and our knives sharpened.
On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 6:10 PM, Robert Skinner <robert at squirrelhaven.com>
> A couple of times over the past few years I have
> questioned whether any amount of force, cajoling,
> or good-will contacts can bring US-style democracy
> to Iraq, Iran, Afganistan, etc. Different
> religions, tribal xenophobia, and a history of
> blood feuds all contributed to my doubt. Somehow,
> it doesn't feel as though US-style democracy is a
> good fit at this time for these countries.
> The following very thoughtful commentary by an
> experienced and knowledgable writer further fuels
> my doubts about our success in exporting our way
> of politics, such as it is.
> http://www.fresnobee.com/644/story/482048.html
> --
> Robert Skinner "Squirrel Haven"
> Gorham, Maine 04038-1331
> s/v "Little Dipper" & "Edith P."
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