[Rhodes22-list] Political - Maybe - reply about his truck driver and his reply about democracy's history (Big Al may delete)(Hillary supports will want to delete)

Tootle ekroposki at charter.net
Wed Apr 2 16:17:28 EDT 2008


It is an interesting experience having someone look you in the eye and be
lying completely.  I had that happen when someone worked for me.  What he
did not know was that I had a witness that he did not know about.  I did not
have authority to fire anyone and when I asked that he be fired, I was told
no.  Then I my witness stated that he was going to the top and the problem
was gone.  Our problem had influential family, but that only goes so far
when you can prove a crime.  

I would hope some members of this forum understand that your experience
applies to politics.  I am personally acquainted with a U. S. Senator who I
know to be honest.  I also know from statements made by other people seeking
high public office either they are lying or completely ignorant.  Simply put
they are conning us.

A member of this forum said in a nutshell that Eliot Spitzer’s recent
problems do not count because they centered on sex.  Well can I live with
politicians having sex on the side, as long as they are honest about it and
do not commit crimes doing so while in public office.  

I contend that we have a right to expect a higher standard of ethics and
honesty from those holding public office.  When they accept public office,
the accept upholding a higher standard.

I further state that those running for public office have a duty to be
honest.  Their past, to include past associations, are held to that
standard.  Again, I encourage all to read a book by Natan Sharansky, The
Case for Democracy – The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror. 

Ed K
Greenville SC USA


Some side readings on Hillary:


Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA

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