[Rhodes22-list] Political - Reply to Brad and to Robert (Big Al maydelete)

Robert Skinner robert at squirrelhaven.com
Thu Apr 3 12:22:54 EDT 2008

Tootle wrote:
> Robert,
> I stopped and thought to myself and Robert advocates this stuff?
> Specifically, the mess that Florida and Michigan have created in the
> Democratic Presidential nominating process and now whether to deny Florida
> and Michigan a say in the Democratic Parties presidential nomination.


For reasons known only to yourself, you continue to regard 
me as the poster child for the Democratic Screwups Society.

This is no more valid than my branding you as chief 
appologist for the Klu Klux Klan.  Or suggesting that you 
stop molesting children.  Or blaming you for setting loose 
frustrated eructions* in church.  Etc.  I'll even go so far 
as to say that you did not personally destroy another 
country recently.

The horse you are beating on is not mine, and it is wounded.
My horse is alive and well, but somewhere else.  

I welcome your taking issue with what I have said.  What
others do or say is for them to justify.  Not all that is 
Democratic is correct, and not all that is Republican is 
crap.  And vice versa.

Please adjust your windage.
Thank you,


* http://www.alphadictionary.com/goodword/word/ruction

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