[Rhodes22-list] Political - Ed, off the rails again

Robert Skinner robert at squirrelhaven.com
Mon Apr 21 23:28:30 EDT 2008

Tootle wrote:
> Bob,
> You have to be acknowledged because you are openly supportive of a
> government program of minimal health care.  You claim to be a fiscal
> conservative, but advocate a socialist program.


Where to begin?

You don't like minimal governmental health care 
     (while keeping a working private system).
You don't like complete governmental health care.
You don't like ....

You would prefer to have children spreading disease 
and being disfigured or sickly for the rest of their 
lives because their parents had no money to get them 
immunized, etc. - FOR WHATEVER REASON.

You seem positively overjoyed about the aged dying 
in the full glory of their agony - unless they can 
pay for their own morphine and bribe their way out 
of a hospital to have a dignified death.

I bet you would even advocate the government selling 
tickets to watch their writhing and screams to reduce 
your taxes.  What the Hell.  Ethics be damned.
Why not turn death into a profit center?

You would change medicare from a net dollar loss to
a positive gain by reduction or elimination of elder 
care, forcing "early retirement" as a source of 
government income!  Sales of videos of particularly 
spectacular suffering and coughing puking incontinent
spastic whimpering departures from life would certainly 
be a win-win for your recalcitrant taxpayer.  After all,
the current administration has shredded any rights we 
had to privacy.

Is there no depth to which you will not sink in pursuit 
of your precious and specious arguments against whatever 
you decide to call "socialism?"

Wake up and get a grip on reality, Ed.

There are no pure systems in a political world.  You
do what is reasonable.  Politics is the art of the 
possible, not some ivory tower manifesto-driven work,
whether it be Marxist or Adam Smith's dream.

You have no argument with me, nor any comprehension
of what or how I think, despite my best attempts at
patient communication.

Or perhaps you are just indulging in a sick joke.  It
is impossible to believe that you are both sane and 
serious in your commentary.

Enough for tonight!  I am disgusted beyond endurance.


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