[Rhodes22-list] My Montana Neighbor

Caesar Paul caesarpaul01 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 17 11:17:51 EDT 2008

Hi Bob,
I am a first time, first year sailor with much to learn also.  I have dreams of sailing the lakes you mentioned.
If you google "kootnai county parks & waterways" you would get a list of  helpful websites.
Specifically, you can go to "www.kcgov.us/department/parkswaterways/facilities/vessellaunch.asp  and you should get all that you need.
Just ask if you need additioal help.

--- On Fri, 8/15/08, Bob-Leslie Fletcher <tfl4625 at blackfoot.net> wrote:

From: Bob-Leslie Fletcher <tfl4625 at blackfoot.net>
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Promised Pictures
To: "The Rhodes 22 Email List" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Date: Friday, August 15, 2008, 1:52 PM

Hi Ceasar,

It's good to read posts from a "neighbor."  We are in Thompson
Falls, MT, 
about 90 miles (over Thompson Pass) from Coeur d' Alene.  This is our
year with our Rhodes, mostly trailering to Pend Orielle and Flathead.  It's

our first boat so still have much to learn.

We have been thinking we should try Lake Coeur d' Alene. Given the time it 
takes for travel and rigging, we have typically tried to stay on the water 
at least a night when we've been out.  I looked a little on the Internet
information on CDA launch areas that permit overnight truck/trailer parking 
and either public mooring buoys or protected anchorages, but haven't found 

Can you suggest a "local" information source for a lake chart and 
mooring/anchorage information?


Bob Fletcher

This is our second year
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Caesar Paul" <caesarpaul01 at yahoo.com>
To: "Rhodes List" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 8:50 AM
Subject: [Rhodes22-list] Promised Pictures

> Hi Elle & Others,
> Donna and I had our best sailing day on Saturday. Winds were forcasted at 
> 10 to 15 mph, from the west. Lake Coeur D' Alene runs north to south;
> allowed to sail on a beam reach for about 45 minutes before making a 180 
> degree tack or turn and sail back down the lake.
> We handled the frequent gusts by heading into the wind, so at times we 
> were sailing off course by more than 45 degrees. We would then fall back 
> off, pick up speed and away we would go. Anyway, it was a lot of fun, as 
> you all know.
> Heeling is quite a rush, and the Admiral is handling it admirably. I am 
> not sure if her confidence is in the boat or the captain, but we are yet 
> to ship water into the cockpit.
> At the end of the day I dropped her on the dock to take some pictures.
> Caesar
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