[Rhodes22-list] Captain Rummy...
ekroposki at charter.net
Tue Aug 26 10:05:24 EDT 2008
What is happening at Lake Hartwell? See attachment!!!
Does this mean that a roofing contractor will find work?
Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA
Addendum: "Let us take inspiration from those people who risked all they
had for the nation we are blessed to call home today." Jeffery O. Bramlett
Are you forgetting to take your meds again?
In a message dated 8/26/2008 8:26:36 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
ekroposki at charter.net writes:
Robert Skinner wrote you to exclude political comments other than those of
progressives. It is important to understand why there are those who want
you to disregard creeping socialism. It is like putting a frog in cold
water and slowly turning up the heat. It is too late before the frog
realizes the water has boiled.
It is important to always know where the writer or speaker is coming from.
For example in discussions on this forum the writer of that comment said of
Eliot Spitzer's philandering that private acts should be excluded from
public retribution. However is has been demonstrated that, "It is a
act with public consequences." Jim DeMint and David Woodard.
Why is this discussion very important today? It is important because Obama
is the Democrat candidate for President of USA. It is very important to
evaluate not how Obama appears and is portrayed by the media but what he
factually stands for. Obama's political ideology is found in his words and
his mentors.
Obama states that he is a 'Progressive' and stands for change. A current
analysis of the word 'Progressive' shows that it’s current meaning to be
analogous to Marxism. The same system of political economy that gave us
Lenin, Hitler, Castro, etc. It means government control of the political
In Chicago, there was in the 1900's a man named W.E.B. Dubose. He was a
black man that espoused Marxism and was an acknowledged Communist. In
he renounced his U. S. Citizenship and moved to the Soviet Union.
W.E.B. Dubose had followers and acolytes in the Chicago area. One of those
incorporated Dubose thinking into religion. That was the Rev. James Cone.
Rev. Cone’s writings on theology were incorporated into Obama’s former
church by Rev. Wright. If Obama did not believe this Marxist theology, why
did he stay a member of that church for over twenty years?
The fact that he believed that Marxist theology is demonstrated in the
that Obama uses. While his current speech writers work hard to hide that
toning down his language, an understanding of his past words and beliefs
shows that he still believes in Marxism.
Why is this important? Tocqueville observed that “America arrived at a
state of democracy without having to endure a democratic revolution… They
are born equal without having to become equal.” American democracy was
based on property rights and capitalism.
Progressives slowly snip away property rights and its associated
toward the government performing their favorite charities. The freedoms we
Americans have are based on the economic system of democratic capitalism,
not Marxism.
An understanding of Marxism leads one to understand the statement that new
terminology means the same old concepts. To say that one is a ‘Flexible
Thinker, Economic Conservative’ cannot be accurate. If one accepts
‘Progressive’ thinking, then ones economics are ‘Socialist’.
It is important to distinguish the democratic capitalist system from
Progressivism, Socialism, Marxism because those latter systems have
demonstrated economic failure and tyranny.
I ask all Americans to choose freedom.
Respectfully submitted:
Ed K
Robert Skinner wrote:
> Eric (and my other friends) -
> Too bad I actually like the guy and respect much that
> he has to offer on sailing. That makes it even harder
> to accept some of his antisocial behavior.
> While Ed (Tootle) seems sane and friendly, he will
> introduce politics into many otherwise rational
> discourses. Despite his many messages chastising
> others who misuse or do not update a subject line,
> he refuses to put the "Political" warning flag in the
> subject line of messages containing his little
> off-topic comments.
> Like a child, he thinks this is cute. Like Papa Bush,
> who attempted to stimulate the economy, and only
> succeeded in annoying it, Ed only succeeds in
> annoying those of us who would rather not be
> subjected to his political asides without appropriate
> warning in the subject line.
> I guess he finds joy breaking verbal wind in public.
> But we have hopes for him. Perhaps in time he
> will embrace change and grow in his thinking.
> /Robert (Flexible Thinker, Economic Conservative)
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Tootle wrote: Subject: [Rhodes22-list] Eric Lord Admiral Nelson
>> Eric:
>> ... Now the most important thing, while many posts seem irrelevant, that
>> is
>> because of overwelming number of Liberals on this forum. There are
>> many
>> who
>> worship the Green God Gore and the Messiah. See attachment:
>> http://www.nabble.com/file/p19143566/obama.jpg obama.jpg
>> Ed K
>> Greenville, SC, USA
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Re%3A-Political%3A-You-CANNOT-ignore-the-creeping-Political-exclu...-tp19162588p19162763.html
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