[Rhodes22-list] New Topic - question for John L, Michael M, Slim, et al. (not political)(music or sound question)

John Lock jlock at relevantarts.com
Tue Dec 2 15:50:24 EST 2008

At 12:27 PM 12/2/2008 -0800, Tootle wrote:
>I use the xp operating system and ms software.  I can record wav files with
>a mic.  How can I record mp3 files?  How can I convert wav to mp3.  The wav
>recorder in ms only allows one minute.  How can I record up to or more than
>three minutes.

As you've discovered, the Windows sound recorder is pretty awful.  I 
think it's left over from Windows 3.1.  A quick search turned up an 
open source (free) replacement called "Audacity" - 
http://audacity.sourceforge.net/  You can get an MP3 encoder plugin 
for that to save sound files in that format.


John Lock
s/v Pandion - '79 Rhodes 22
Lake Sinclair, GA

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