[Rhodes22-list] bill?
Robert Skinner
Robert at SquirrelHaven.com
Thu Dec 4 19:38:24 EST 2008
Actually, Herb, there are as many standards as there
are people, right or left. While we tend to group
them in various ways, I have never found two people
who had identical standards -- not even Catholic
/Robert, ME
Herb Parsons wrote:
> Waitaminute
> If Brad laughing at a tasteless joke (in my opinion, it was), like that
> makes him appear to come off as a bigot; what does stupid statements
> like "mooselini" about Palin, or comments about ME being from
> "ya'llsville" make THOSE people.
> The double-standards of the left are simply amazing.
> Face it, bigotry is bigotry, whether it's about race or what part of the
> country a person is from.
> Robert Skinner wrote:
>> Obama is president-elect, not a pimp.
>> Brad - I'm sure that you don't want to
>> come off as a bigot - I have seen no
>> evidence of that to date - but this is
>> uncomfortably close to the line between
>> humor and bad taste.
>> /Robert, ME
>> Brad Haslett wrote:
>>> Bill,
>>> You gotta admit, history is being made. Here's a review of Presidential limos.
>>> http://www.jibjab.com/view/258672
>>> Brad
>>> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 8:42 PM, Bill Effros <bill at effros.com> wrote:
>>>> Michael,
>>>> I like to think I'm in the "what's best for my country" camp, and
>>>> against the hypocrisy camp.
>>>> George Bush got into office by saying one thing and doing another. I
>>>> opposed that.
>>>> Obama got into office the same way. I oppose that, too.
>>>> Both men are inexperienced, relying on the knowledge of those
>>>> surrounding them. It's a bad formula. The other people in the room
>>>> won't agree on many things. The least experienced person winds up
>>>> making the decision on a "gut feel".
>>>> Both Bush and Obama were selected by political machines as the electable
>>>> face of unelectable policies.
>>>> It didn't work well for the Republicans. It's not going to work well
>>>> for the Democrats, either.
>>>> As you well know, we've got really really big problems. Things will
>>>> probably never go back to where they were. Our country's position is
>>>> likely to deteriorate, along with the position of most individuals.
>>>> There are smarter moves, and dumber moves. Moves that will leave us
>>>> better off, and moves that will leave us worse off.
>>>> The Democrats are settling scores--they are not working for the common good.
>>>> As you know, I am voting against my pocketbook. The Democrat's policies
>>>> benefit me. If I lose, I win. But, at least I can live with myself,
>>>> having tried to work for what I believe is right.
>>>> Maybe if enough people speak up early enough we can stop throwing our
>>>> money into a bottomless pit, and start actually working our way out.
>>>> Bill Effros
>>>> michael meltzer wrote:
>>>>> Bill I am confused, I will admit it does not take much more me to be in that conduction but.....
>>>>> For the most part you have been in the democratic camp, what happened? It seems that "O" has you more than a little pissed off.....
>>>>> -mjm
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org [mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of Bill Effros
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 7:01 PM
>>>>> To: The Rhodes 22 Email List
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Politics - Palin - Twain
>>>>> David Brooks!
>>>>> One of the neo-cons who got just about everything wrong for the past 8
>>>>> years!
>>>>> Ben, why didn't you quote this from a more recent column:
>>>>> "Barack Obama and his team should put into action a foreign policy
>>>>> doctrine that builds on some of the ideas developed during George W.
>>>>> Bush's term."
>>>>> This isn't a football game, and it doesn't matter who you "root" for.
>>>>> This country is proceeding on an incoherent course which most ordinary
>>>>> Americans can see can't possibly work.
>>>>> The "Bailout" is already a fiasco -- and make no mistake, it's a
>>>>> Democrat fiasco.
>>>>> Bailing out auto unions is a payoff, plain and simple.
>>>>> Citibank paid $400 Million to call the new Mets stadium "Citi Field" --
>>>>> and now the taxpayers are giving them their money back--BRILLIANT!
>>>>> Obama is following exactly the same course Herbert Hoover followed after
>>>>> the stock market crash. Public works projects. Rooting for the home team.
>>>>> It didn't work then, and it won't work now.
>>>>> Maybe, just maybe, there's a better way. Obama was elected to bring
>>>>> change, not more of the same, and it's never too early to notice the
>>>>> emperor has no clothes on.
>>>>> Listening to David Brooks is not likely to be the better way, he's just
>>>>> another "well-educated" dope.
>>>>> Bill Effros
>>>>> Ben Cittadino wrote:
>>>>>> Folks;
>>>>>> Mr Effros opines that "once again the country has decided to make the
>>>>>> dumbest person in the room the decider". I agree with Mr. Brooks of the
>>>>>> NYTimes who wrote recently:
>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> "November 21, 2008
>>>>>> Op-Ed Columnist
>>>>>> The Insider's Crusade
>>>>>> Jan. 20, 2009, will be a historic day. Barack Obama (Columbia, Harvard Law)
>>>>>> will take the oath of office as his wife, Michelle (Princeton, Harvard Law),
>>>>>> looks on proudly. Nearby, his foreign policy advisers will stand beaming,
>>>>>> including perhaps Hillary Clinton (Wellesley, Yale Law), Jim Steinberg
>>>>>> (Harvard, Yale Law) and Susan Rice (Stanford, Oxford D. Phil.).
>>>>>> The domestic policy team will be there, too, including Jason Furman
>>>>>> (Harvard, Harvard Ph.D.), Austan Goolsbee (Yale, M.I.T. Ph.D.), Blair Levin
>>>>>> (Yale, Yale Law), Peter Orszag (Princeton, London School of Economics Ph.D.)
>>>>>> and, of course, the White House Counsel Greg Craig (Harvard, Yale Law).
>>>>>> This truly will be an administration that looks like America, or at least
>>>>>> that slice of America that got double 800s on their SATs. Even more than
>>>>>> past administrations, this will be a valedictocracy — rule by those who
>>>>>> graduate first in their high school classes. If a foreign enemy attacks the
>>>>>> United States during the Harvard-Yale game any time over the next four
>>>>>> years, we're screwed.
>>>>>> Already the culture of the Obama administration is coming into focus. Its
>>>>>> members are twice as smart as the poor reporters who have to cover them,
>>>>>> three times if you include the columnists. They typically served in the
>>>>>> Clinton administration and then, like Cincinnatus, retreated to the comforts
>>>>>> of private life — that is, if Cincinnatus had worked at Goldman Sachs,
>>>>>> Williams & Connolly or the Brookings Institution. So many of them send their
>>>>>> kids to Georgetown Day School, the posh leftish private school in D.C., that
>>>>>> they'll be able to hold White House staff meetings in the carpool line.
>>>>>> And yet as much as I want to resent these overeducated Achievatrons (not to
>>>>>> mention the incursion of a French-style government dominated by highly
>>>>>> trained Enarchs), I find myself tremendously impressed by the Obama
>>>>>> transition.
>>>>>> The fact that they can already leak one big appointee per day is testimony
>>>>>> to an awful lot of expert staff work. Unlike past Democratic
>>>>>> administrations, they are not just handing out jobs to the hacks approved by
>>>>>> the favored interest groups. They're thinking holistically — there's a nice
>>>>>> balance of policy wonks, governors and legislators. They're also thinking
>>>>>> strategically. As Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute
>>>>>> notes, it was smart to name Tom Daschle both the head of Health and Human
>>>>>> Services and the health czar. Splitting those duties up, as Bill Clinton
>>>>>> did, leads to all sorts of conflicts.
>>>>>> Most of all, they are picking Washington insiders. Or to be more precise,
>>>>>> they are picking the best of the Washington insiders.
>>>>>> Obama seems to have dispensed with the romantic and failed notion that you
>>>>>> need inexperienced "fresh faces" to change things. After all, it was L.B.J.
>>>>>> who passed the Civil Rights Act. Moreover, because he is so young, Obama is
>>>>>> not bringing along an insular coterie of lifelong aides who depend upon him
>>>>>> for their well-being.
>>>>>> As a result, the team he has announced so far is more impressive than any
>>>>>> other in recent memory. One may not agree with them on everything or even
>>>>>> most things, but a few things are indisputably true.
>>>>>> First, these are open-minded individuals who are persuadable by evidence.
>>>>>> Orszag, who will probably be budget director, is trusted by Republicans and
>>>>>> Democrats for his honest presentation of the facts.
>>>>>> Second, they are admired professionals. Conservative legal experts have a
>>>>>> high regard for the probable attorney general, Eric Holder, despite the
>>>>>> business over the Marc Rich pardon.
>>>>>> Third, they are not excessively partisan. Obama signaled that he means to
>>>>>> live up to his postpartisan rhetoric by letting Joe Lieberman keep his
>>>>>> committee chairmanship.
>>>>>> Fourth, they are not ideological. The economic advisers, Furman and
>>>>>> Goolsbee, are moderate and thoughtful Democrats. Hillary Clinton at State is
>>>>>> problematic, mostly because nobody has a role for her husband. But, as she
>>>>>> has demonstrated in the Senate, her foreign-policy views are hardheaded and
>>>>>> pragmatic. (It would be great to see her set of interests complemented by
>>>>>> Samantha Power's set of interests at the U.N.)
>>>>>> Finally, there are many people on this team with practical creativity. Any
>>>>>> think tanker can come up with broad doctrines, but it is rare to find people
>>>>>> who can give the president a list of concrete steps he can do day by day to
>>>>>> advance American interests. Dennis Ross, who advised Obama during the
>>>>>> campaign, is the best I've ever seen at this, but Rahm Emanuel also has this
>>>>>> capacity, as does Craig and legislative liaison Phil Schiliro.
>>>>>> Believe me, I'm trying not to join in the vast, heaving O-phoria now
>>>>>> sweeping the coastal haute bourgeoisie. But the personnel decisions have
>>>>>> been superb. The events of the past two weeks should be reassuring to
>>>>>> anybody who feared that Obama would veer to the left or would suffer
>>>>>> self-inflicted wounds because of his inexperience. He's off to a start that
>>>>>> nearly justifies the hype."
>>>>>> Copyright 2008 New York Times
>>>>>> I don't remember writing off Presdent GW Bush early. In fact there was
>>>>>> great hope he could be the compassionate conservative, but he ran off the
>>>>>> rails in ways we have already discussed. We're in a mess all right, but if
>>>>>> it is possible to use our brains to get out of it, then Obama has surely
>>>>>> recruited the best the most intelligent people in the country to get down to
>>>>>> business.
>>>>>> Remember David Brooks is well known and accepted as a conservative
>>>>>> Republican by all reasonable comentators. I'm going to withhold judgment
>>>>>> and give Mr Obama his fair chance at tackling the issues, and I encourage
>>>>>> everyone to do the same.
>>>>>> Ben C.
>>>>>> benonvelvetelvis wrote:
>>>>>>> Save me some room in the storm shelter (we hit water when we dig down
>>>>>>> here).
>>>>>>> I'll bring my share of the plastic sheeting and duct tape!
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
>>>>>>> [mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of Bill Effros
>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 15:30
>>>>>>> To: The Rhodes 22 Email List
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Politics - Palin - Twain
>>>>>>> Rummy,
>>>>>>> We didn't have to wait for Bush to get into the White House to write him
>>>>>>> off.
>>>>>>> They both ran as "outsiders" and "agents of change" who were going to
>>>>>>> change Washington "business as usual".
>>>>>>> But what do we see? Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rahm Emanuel, Robert Gates,
>>>>>>> Hillary Clinton, Bill Richardson, Joe Biden--same people, different day.
>>>>>>> The Democrats are awarding the "spoils" to the people who elected them:
>>>>>>> Lawyers; Wall Street; Organized Labor; Big Farmers.
>>>>>>> Meanwhile, the country is spiraling downward, the Democrats will have to
>>>>>>> go to continuous feed web presses or larger denominations to print the
>>>>>>> money fast enough, the "global warming" opposition will be chucked under
>>>>>>> the bus as the "public works projects" start to gear up. The rest of
>>>>>>> the world has its own problems -- they're not going to bail us out this
>>>>>>> time.
>>>>>>> And what about Afghanistan? You think Vietnam was tough terrain? Not
>>>>>>> to mention the fact that Afghanistan is twice the size of all of
>>>>>>> Vietnam. How many soldiers did we have in South Vietnam when you were
>>>>>>> there? How many do you think it will take to lose in Afghanistan?
>>>>>>> There is zero evidence that this guy is a smart man. This country has
>>>>>>> again made the dumbest person in the room "the decider". I really
>>>>>>> didn't think people would make that same mistake again, but, here we are!
>>>>>>> Professional politicians continue to run this country. They are running
>>>>>>> it into the ground. We should let the banks go bankrupt; only
>>>>>>> profitable automobile companies will survive; if people overpaid for
>>>>>>> their homes they should give them up; if people don't have jobs they
>>>>>>> should stop going to the mall; if we think we've got to fight wars all
>>>>>>> over the place, lets draft the soldiers; building dams and roads will
>>>>>>> not make the earth greener; public works projects don't end depressions.
>>>>>>> We haven't heard one good idea from this guy. When push comes to shove,
>>>>>>> he always reneges. And you think we should wait for 4 years before we
>>>>>>> call him on it?
>>>>>>> Not me. We're heading for tough times, and everybody is to blame. But
>>>>>>> blaming won't help. Burning food, bailing out ridiculous union
>>>>>>> contracts, letting people live in homes they can't afford, printing more
>>>>>>> money, paying off debts with worthless paper -- will only make things
>>>>>>> worse. I'll speak up now.
>>>>>>> Bill Effros
>>>>>>> 2RumRunner at aol.com wrote:
>>>>>>>> Bill,
>>>>>>>> Lighten up. Your blood vessels in your head are about to explode. Obama
>>>>>>>> isn't even in the white house yet and you are writing him off already.
>>>>>>> Yes, he
>>>>>>>> certainly has his hands full, cleaning up the mess from the last eight
>>>>>>> years,
>>>>>>>> but he's a smart man and will get the job done. Cut him a little slack.
>>>>>>> In
>>>>>>>> four years if he hasn't done a good job, then you can replace him. Until
>>>>>>> then,
>>>>>>>> lighten up Francis.
>>>>>>>> Rummy
>>>>>>>> In a message dated 12/3/2008 12:17:17 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
>>>>>>>> bill at effros.com writes:
>>>>>>>> Too bad it didn't work...she was unable to get out the Republican vote
>>>>>>>> while Obama's field offices brought out the Democrats en masse...
>>>>>>>> It's less than a month later, and the Democrats don't seem to have a
>>>>>>>> clue that they've got a real problem.
>>>>>>>> Did you notice that China has announced they aren't going to bail us out
>>>>>>>> this time?
>>>>>>>> Bill Effros
>>>>>>>> Brad Haslett wrote:
>>>>>>>>> "The report of my death is greatly exaggerated" - Mark Twain
>>>>>>>>> So, Sarah came down to Georgia.
>>>>>>>>> Brad
>>>>>>>>> ------------------
>>>>>>>>> Chambliss: Palin 'allowed us to peak'
>>>>>>>>> By: Andy Barr
>>>>>>>>> December 3, 2008 11:29 AM EST
>>>>>>>>> Fresh off his runoff victory Tuesday night, Georgia Republican Sen.
>>>>>>>>> Saxby Chambliss credited Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin with firing up his
>>>>>>>>> base.
>>>>>>>>> "I can't overstate the impact she had down here," Chambliss said
>>>>>>>>> during an interview Wednesday morning on Fox News.
>>>>>>>>> "When she walks in a room, folks just explode," he added. "And they
>>>>>>>>> really did pack the house everywhere we went. She's a dynamic lady, a
>>>>>>>>> great administrator, and I think she's got a great future in the
>>>>>>>>> Republican Party."
>>>>>>>>> Chambliss said that after watching her campaign on his behalf at
>>>>>>>>> several events Monday, he does not see her star status diminishing
>>>>>>>>> within the party.
>>>>>>>>> The Republican also thanked John McCain and the other big name
>>>>>>>>> Republicans that came to Georgia, but said Palin made the biggest
>>>>>>>>> impact.
>>>>>>>>> "We had John McCain and Mike Huckabee and Gov. Romney and Rudy
>>>>>>>>> Giuliani, but Sarah Palin came in on the last day, did a fly-around
>>>>>>>>> and, man, she was dynamite," he said. "We packed the houses everywhere
>>>>>>>>> we went. And it really did allow us to peak and get our base fired
>>>>>>>>> up."
>>>>>>>>> But as Chambliss heaped praise on Palin and other big-ticket
>>>>>>>>> Republicans that came to Georgia on his behalf, he questioned why
>>>>>>>>> President-elect Barack Obama would not use his star power to aid his
>>>>>>>>> Democratic opponent Jim Martin.
>>>>>>>>> "I have no idea why he didn't come down," Chambliss said.
>>>>>>>>> "His people were here. His organization was here," he added. "They
>>>>>>>>> really did a good job in the general election of turning out people.
>>>>>>>>> And whatever their game plan was this time, if he had been here, I
>>>>>>>>> have no idea whether it would have worked better."
>>>>>>>>> (c) 2008 Capitol News Company, LLC
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