[Rhodes22-list] Politics: Brad -- What Does He Mean?

Bill Effros bill at effros.com
Mon Dec 15 11:15:42 EST 2008


Despite MSM repeated reports that O is not implicated, Fitz has released 
all sorts of information showing clearly that he is implicated, that the 
FBI was taping and recording him, and that they are going after him.

Most people don't seem to realize there is another Rezko trial coming 
with O in the middle of it unless Rezko gives up Obama before the start 
of the trial.

The first trial centered on Blago, and Obama was just a peripheral 
player.  The second trial is centered around Obama, and the billion 
dollars worth of earmarks sent back home to people who took him from a 
$56,000 a year part-time state senator on the take, to President of the 
United States.

Rezko sent out smoke signals from jail that if he didn't get help, he 
would talk.  But nobody could help him.  Now Blago is doing the same.  
Madigan offered him the insanity defense, but if he's been insane for 
all these years, why was Obama endorsing him less than 2 years ago?

I think Fitz will follow the vote rigging this time around.  The 
Democrats were thanking Blago less than a year ago for the ability of 
his organization to rig the Iowa Caucuses, the Illinois Primary, the 
Texas Caucuses, and big city voting in minority districts.  What do they 
call that?  Oh, yeah, "Community Organizing".

It's just too blatant to ignore, and the Secretary of State designate 
documented it at great detail along with literally thousands of 
complainants.  They pulled it all off the Internet, but lots of people 
have copies of the complaints, and they will all show up when Fitz needs 

It's just a matter of time.  It's like watching Nixon "twisting slowly, 
slowly in the wind".  (I know the quote wasn't about Nixon, but that's 
what those of us on the left thought as we watched.)

Oh, and by the way, elle, it doesn't matter how anyone "roots" -- the 
facts are still the facts, and no amount of "magical thinking" is going 
to change the outcome.

Bill Effros

Brad Haslett wrote:
> Bill,
> Interesting twist here from the WSJ -
> http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2008/12/14/the-real-story-behind-the-rushed-blagojevich-bust-how-the-feds-are-frustrated-by-losing-maybe-half-of-their-case/
> Was the Tribune protecting someone or just trying to sell more
> newspapers as a bankrupt company?
> One theory I have to answer your question is this; this kind of thing
> was so commonplace that no one gave a second thought to a wiretap.
> Stupid?  Yes, but arrogance breeds stupidity.  Blago is still in the
> defiance mode and may remain so for weeks.  The AG's attempt to
> silence him as quickly as possible looks pretty amateurish.  Blago is
> holding an entire handful of Big O trump cards (his wife got a
> commission on the O house deal for goodness sakes) and he'll deal them
> out carefully.  I'm not even sure that Fitz wants O but he'll have no
> choice in the matter - the bad deeds have already been done and Blago
> isn't going to take a fall without a tough fight. Protecting the F'ing
> President Elect (as he would call him) isn't real high on his list of
> priorities.
> Have you considered that you and I could be completely wrong.  It may
> not be likely, but it is possible that 53% of the American voters
> rescued the virgin from the whorehouse just in time?
> Brad
> On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 8:39 AM, Bill Effros <bill at effros.com> wrote:
>> Brad,
>> What do you suppose Blago means when his spokesman says ""The governor
>> has indicated in the past there is more to this story that he's wanting
>> to tell at an appropriate time."
>> How do you cut a deal with this guy when you know the FBI is listening
>> in and watching everything he hears or sees?
>> The only deals Fitzgerald will cut are for Daley and Obama.
>> Bill Effros
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