[Rhodes22-list] Global Warming Film

Rik Sandberg sanderico1 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 00:27:03 EST 2008



The question occurred to me a while back: What if it's the warming 
causing the CO2 instead of the CO2 causing the warming. Guess I wasn't 
the only one that wondered about that.

Take a look at Al Gore's net worth these days, compared to when he moved 
out of the white house. Increased 50 times from 2M in 2000 to now, just 
over 100M .... 'Course he ain't in it for the money.


"There is no such thing as luck. There is only adequate or inadequate preparation to cope with a statistical universe." ... Robert Heinlein

Brad Haslett wrote:
> Long, but TV worth watching.  Brad
> http://www.garagetv.be/video-galerij/blancostemrecht/The_Great_Global_Warming_Swindle_Documentary_Film.aspx
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