[Rhodes22-list] Politics: Upping the Ante

Herb Parsons hparsons at parsonsys.com
Fri Dec 26 14:54:00 EST 2008


This line brought a smile to my face:

"The 38% of the nation that doesn't pay taxes will hang on to their 
fantasy just like the average eight-year old hangs on to believing in 
Santa Claus because the alternative is just too painful."

I just got back from Christmas celebrations with my mother (and family). 
A few weeks back, when she was up here shortly before the election (for 
mine & my sister's birthday celebrations), when the discussion turned to 
politics, she said I wouldn't like who she's voting for. I asked who and 
she said Obama. I smiled, and said it wouldn't make any difference, he 
wasn't going to take Texas anyway. She was ready to bet me that he 
would. I had to explain the electoral college process to her (she's 76, 
but she really hasn't been involved in politics).

So, we were there for Christmas, and again the discussion turns to 
politics (not her discussion, other family members). I made the comment 
that her choice looked like he was already headed for legal trouble. She 
had no idea what I was talking about (she really doesn't keep up with 
politics). My brother started the broad picture, and I filled in some of 
the details.

About the time we finished, she finally said "Don't tell me anything 
more about him. I've finally found a president I like, and I don't want 
to hear any bad stuff about him."

Hang on to the fantasy indeed...

Brad Haslett wrote:
> Bill,
> Ten bucks at WalMart solved the keyboard problem. I spent most of the
> day killing rats and taking care of minutia so I've been out of the
> news loop and am leaving 4AM (normal wake-up time) for home.  Here's
> my quick and dirty take on things - so The One was questioned by a
> Federal prosecutor and splits for Hawaii, Rahm leaves for Africa, and
> Jarrett, the object of all this, is silent. This is all very strange
> behavior for innocent people. Chicago politics as usual + sunshine +
> national stage = long national nightmare. This story won't go away
> because the crimes have already been committed.  Selling a Senate seat
> is not the issue, Fitz already has the crimes of record to prosecute.
> Blago will drag this out and so will Barry. The 38% of the nation that
> doesn't pay taxes will hang on to their fantasy just like the average
> eight-year old hangs on to believing in Santa Claus because the
> alternative is just too painful.  Most of the MSM is near bankruptcy,
> and soon enough they'll realize that short of a bailout, actually
> printing news and doing investigation sells. I'm trying to find the
> happy ending to this scenario but don't see it quite yet.  Barry is
> already severely crippled and folks are waking-up.  I'm betting this
> drags on until 2010 and so does the lackluster economy.  How's that
> for Christmas cheer?
> Brad
> On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 9:23 AM, Bill Effros <bill at effros.com> wrote:
>> Brad-Iloveit!Weshouldsendallmessagesthisway--it'slikeusingthesecretdecoderringallthetime--onlyMJMwillbeabletounderstandwhatwehavetosay,andmaybeRummy.MerryChristmas.BillEffross/vLittleQueenie
>> Brad Haslett wrote:
>>> Bill,stuckatcorporateheadquarterswithabadspacekeyonthekeyboard-maybespilledbeer-willgetnewkeyboardandrespondlater-blagotookplay-to-paytothenextlevel-thegreatOcan'thidepastdeeds-nowinsituationforeveryone-wegetBiden-countrycontinuestolisteconomically-gottogocollectsomemony-timesarehardandmoneytight-somyclientstellme-homeydon'tplaythatgame-customerwaiteduntilwemobilizedtotellushiscashflowproblems-itmaybeChristmasbutI'mnotinChristmasmood-lateifIdon'tgetshot!
>>> Brad
>>> On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 7:59 AM, Bill Effros <bill at effros.com> wrote:
>>>> Brad,
>>>> It just got a little tougher for Obama to fire Fitz.
>>>> Fitz let Obama know who "in the administration" he taped, but he didn't
>>>> let Obama know what they said.
>>>> So the whole country will learn some of the people Fitz is investigating
>>>> are part of "Team Obama".
>>>> There is an obvious conflict of interest if you try to fire someone who
>>>> is investigating you.  Ask Nixon.
>>>> Please note, Blagojevich was part of "Team Obama" until just a few weeks
>>>> ago.
>>>> Let me ask the question again..."Why did Obama resign his Senate seat
>>>> early?"
>>>> (Background: this is not "traditional" -- Hillary did not resign her
>>>> seat; Biden did not resign his seat; Rahm Emanuel did not resign his
>>>> seat; etc.  Their votes were needed for the "lame duck" session--in
>>>> fact, the automaker "bail out bill" might have passed if Obama hadn't
>>>> thrown away his vote.  The ONLY beneficiary of an early resignation was
>>>> Governor Rod Blogojevich, who could no longer barter the seat according
>>>> to Illinois law after 1/1/09.  So Obama threw him a bone.)
>>>> Bill Effros
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Herb Parsons

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